办理签证时证明配偶关系de facto真的需要住一起吗?

2015年08月18日 海逸澳洲移民留学


又一个成功的案例(SZOXP v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] FCAFC 69 (11 June 2015))证明,没有结婚的配偶关系--"de facto", 他们是不需要先居住在一起。很多由于宗教或者团体信仰的原因,结婚前是不允许住在一起,法院Tribunal已经提出在移民法里面,判断"de facto"关系,是否同居,不是必要条件。

来看看移民法对“de facto”的定义:

De facto partners

(1) For the purposes of this Act, a person is the de facto partner of another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if, under subsection (2), the person is in a de facto relationship with the other person.

For the purposes of subsection (1), a person is ina de facto relationship with another person if theyare not in a married relationship (for the purposesof section 5F) with each other but:

(a) they have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion ofall others; and

(b) the relationship between them is genuine and continuing; and

(c) they:

(i) live together; or

(ii) do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis; and

(d) they are not related by family (see subsection (4)).





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