连悉尼市政府都在Green Square 赚了钱,那边要火了,亲们还等什么?

2014年08月08日 澳洲悉尼地产投资









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根据政府出台的《悉尼大都市计划2036》中,Zetland,Waterloo,Alexandria,Rosebery,和一部分的Beaconsfield,是政府投下巨资80个亿的一个Green Square (绿地广场) 的旧城改造所在区域。

Green Square 整体规划于1992年提出议案,2010年获批,2012年已经全面动工,锐意在从2014起,未来的5-10年内,打造成为一个集住宅、零售与商业于一体的时尚新区。

Green Square 附近的城区开发不断,特别是最近,附近 Waterloo 的房产“步步高升”,而Waterloo 瞬间成为政府和开发商们眼中炙手可热的城区。

据 WENTWORTH COURIER 最新新闻报道,悉尼市政府3天前(2014年8月5号)从中国开发商JQZ那收到了四笔款项中的第一笔560万元的定金(10%),这是被推迟了两年才销售出来后的部分红利。这5600万售价是属于Woollahra 市政府在O’Dea Ave, Waterloo 仓库在上周四正式出售之后获得的意外之财,如果市政府2年前就出售此项目,价格不会比现在高。目前仍不清楚这处位于52 O’DeaAve, Waterloo的1.4公顷的物业会被用来做什么,但它目前的规划仍是高层混合使用。

Woollahra 市长Toni Zeltzer说,市政府对这个销售价格“非常满意”。她说,“这可能反映了悉尼目前的房产价格,我们是这个火热市场的受益者,这对市政府来说非常好”, “我们可以在几年前就卖掉它,但我认为那样的话,我们获得的价值就明显减少了。”

这个地区位于悉尼市价值80亿元的绿色广场 Green Square 开发区域中,这个所谓的工业废弃地正在被改建为可容纳4万名新居民的繁荣新城区。

另外在40a O’Dea Ave,Waterloo 附近,还有一项价值5400万元计划172套住宅公寓的规划申请,其中包括两栋4层和一栋20层的建筑。

同时,在距离不到2公里处的1-9 William St ,Alexandria还有一项价值1100万的申请,计划拆除现有建筑,新建一栋有46套单元房的住宅大楼,并在四到五层设35个停车位。

根据悉尼市政府2014年5月绿色广场GREEN SQUARE的报告中透露,悉尼市市政委员会和悉尼市中央规划委员会(Central Sydney Planning Committee)已经审批通过了好几项位于绿色广场Green Square 中地段的开发项目申请。


伴随着政府和开发商资金的注入,Waterloo, Zetland 和 Alexandria作为Green Square 改建的中心,将经历巨大的转型与飞跃。

其固有的区位优势;得天独厚的核心地理位置;刚刚投入使用的火车线路;平均收入高于悉尼50%的人群成分;周边名校遍布;40%绿化的社区规划; 空置率仅仅0.4%;租金回报却达到5.5%- 6.5% ,并且物业增势在2013年之后持续每年高于15% 。由此可预料这里将成为近几年悉尼最大的投资热点!!

为什么要投资 Green Square 绿色广场周边区域楼盘?

Green Square 周边区域:Waterloo, Zetland, Alexandria, Beaconsfield and Rosebery.

1,独一无二的地理位置,10分钟到达悉尼重要地标,距离CBD 仅3公里。公寓集住宅,购物,餐饮,健身,娱乐于一体,周围公园密集

2,高租金。紧邻大学学区,包括悉尼大学,新南威尔士大学,悉尼科技大学等名校。 租金收益为5.5 %-6.5%以上





最近有几个大型开发商在此区陆续推出了几个高品质的楼盘, 欢迎加我们微信号: sydneyinvestment1 获得免费咨询服务。


Where is Green Square?

So where exactly is Green Square? Technically, Green Square is not a council area.

At best it is a region- there is no suburb called “Green Square.” Rather, Green Square is made up of parts of five suburbs just south of the CBD.

These are Waterloo, Zetland, Alexandria, Beaconsfield and Rosebery.

What is Green Square?

Green Square is a development area.

In addition to the residents who have always lived there, Green Square was once home to thousands of industrial warehouses and factories. While some of these will remain, the City of Sydney has rezoned the area for urban renewal. Consequently, thousands of new homes are being built in the area, and tens of thousands of people are moving in. According to the City of Sydney:

About 5,700 new homes have been built since 2000, bringing in almost 11,000 more residents. By 2030, Green Square is expected to attract 40,000 new residents and 22,000 new workers.


Chinese developer JQZ snaps up former council works depot in the Green Square project area for $56 million



AUGUST 05, 2014 3:52PM

Woollahra Council's former works depot in O'Dea Ave, Waterloo sold for $56 million.

A $56 MILLION windfall is coming to Woollahra Council after the sale of its former depot on O’Dea Ave, Waterloo, was made official last Thursday.

The council received the first of four payments, a $5.6 million deposit, from Chinese developer JQZ today as part of a deferred two-year sale.

It remained unclear what the 1.4 ha site at 52 O’Dea Ave would be used for, although it is currently zoned for high-rise mixed use.

The area is in the City of Sydney’s $8 billion Green Square development area, where industrial wasteland is being transformed into thriving suburb for 40,000 new residents.

A $54 million application at nearby 40a O’Dea Ave, Waterloo for 172 residential apartments across several complexes is currently before City of Sydney and consists two four-storey blocks and a 20-storey block.

Less than 2km away at 1-9 William St, Alexandria, an $11 million application is also before City of Sydney for demolition of existing buildings and the construction of a 46 unit residential flat building, with 35 car parking spaces over four to five levels.

Woollahra Mayor Toni Zeltzer said the council was “exceedingly pleased” with the sale price.

“Perhaps reflecting on property value in Sydney at the moment, we have been the beneficiaries of a very heated market which is terrific for council,” she said.

“We could have sold it a couple of years ago and I suspect we would have received significantly less."

“This (sale) provides us with an ability to look closely at our long term financial plan and get some of those things which have been on the wish list for the last couple of decades.”

She highlighted the Activate Oxford St program and a multi-level car park and community centre improvements at Rose Bay as the top items on her “wish list”.

She said she hoped the council used some of the money to create a constant income stream for ongoing service infrastructure upgrades.

Part of the funds will go towards the move into their new depot with Waverley Council in Bourke St, Waterloo.

The council voted to sell the O’Dea Ave site along with the 3905sq m residential slice of land in Cooper Park Rd, Bellevue Hill, in a bid to bolster its coffers, when it finalised its budget in May this year.

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