【洋气写作范文又来了】政府控制健康问题 :)

2014年07月24日 无忧小雅哥

Some people believe governments should make people go on a diet and others believe it is an individual’s responsibility to diet or stay healthy. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Health and fitness are an important aspect of daily life, and for this reason, some argue that mandated dieting should be adopted, while others argue that it is a personal choice. I believe everybody is responsible for his or her own health and governments should not force dieting upon citizens.

On one hand, obesity has led to increased health care costs. Poor eating habits amongst significant portions of the population has increased the instances of obesity, which leads to heart disease and diabetes. These diseases create a financial burden for taxpayers, as they are costly to treat. For instance, the treatment of diabetes requires regular monitoring, in order to avoid further complications, such as amputation, or death.

On the other hand, health is a lifestyle choice for individuals. Governments do not have the right to dictate how people choose to live their lives. People are allowed to make many lifestyle choices, some of which can negatively impact their health, and dieting is no different. For instance, governments do not tell people to exercise, whether they should drink alcohol or who to marry.

When considering both sides of the discussion, I personally believe that incentives are a better option to promote health, rather than regulating diets. People should be given the freedom to make their own health decisions. While health is important, it is a responsibility that rests with each individual and incentives, such as tax deductions for regular health checkups and dietary counseling, could be a better tool to maintain health care costs.

In conclusion, while obesity has increased the cost of health care to society, eating habits and health are a lifestyle choice that belongs to individuals and governments should not mandate diets.

(284 words)

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Hello, my name is Cameron and I am a writing and speaking tutor and marker for 51 IELTS. Despite being a native English speaker from the US, I had to take the IELTS exam, in order to earn extra points on my visa application, after graduating from the University of Melbourne with a Master in Accounting. Having achieved an overall band score of 9 and earning a spot on the Dean’s Honours List in my studies, I understand the importance of written and spoken communication, whether it is for study, work or everyday life. My goal is to help you improve your English language skills, by focusing on writing style, essay structure, vocabulary and fluency, so that you can get the score you want and even improve your day-to-day life.


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