
2015年12月19日 美国驻华大使馆

美国国会众议员基思·埃利森(中)是美国第一位穆斯林议员,在华盛顿代表着他在明尼苏达选区的穆斯林和非穆斯林选民。 (© AP Images)

基思·埃利森(Keith Ellison)在2006年 当选为美国国会众议员时,成为了美国第一位穆斯林议员。他当时是手抚一本美国建国之父、前总统托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson )遗留的《古兰经》(Quran)宣誓就职。


安德列·卡森(André Carson)是来自印第安纳州(Indiana)的另一位穆斯林众议员,于2008年就任。在美国各地,穆斯林选民参加投票,并且有越来越多的人担任了民选公职。今年11月,密歇根州(Michigan)一个市选举产生了美国第一个穆斯林占多数的市议会。

When Keith Ellison was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2006, he became the first Muslim U.S. congressman, and he took his his oath of office on a Quran that had been owned by American Founding Father and former President Thomas Jefferson.

In Washington, he represents both Muslim and non-Muslim constituents. Voters in his Minnesota district “knew I was a Muslim and they didn’t care,” he said. “They wanted to know what I was going to do for them” to promote education, jobs and other shared interests. Ellison has been re-elected four times.

Another Muslim congressman, André Carson of Indiana, has served since 2008. Across the United States, American Muslims vote and, increasingly, are elected to public office. In November, a Michigan municipality elected America’s first Muslim-majority city council.

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