
2015年12月16日 旅美华裔信息直通车

第15届《圣诞&新年绘画比赛 》

皇后画院、纽约人寿Flushing Branch,发拉盛图书馆以及美国生活在线,为迎接圣诞节和新年的到来, 为了展示少年儿童的丰富想像力和创造力, 为了发挥他们的艺术天份和绘画水平, 特举办“第15届圣诞&新年绘画比赛”。 圣诞节绘画主题: “过圣诞,迎新年!

参加对象: 儿童组::4岁---7岁,少童组:8岁---12岁, 少年组:13岁--18岁。

奖励办法: 各组选出:

头奖一名, 奖牌一个,奖状、礼物包和现金券200元。

二奖二名, 奖牌一个,奖状、礼物包和现金券150元。

三奖二名, 奖牌一个,奖状、礼物包和现金券100元。

佳作奖三十名. 奖牌一个,奖状和礼物包礼物包和现金券10元,


所有作品尺寸11x14,黑白、彩色均可,画种和材料不限,自已创作,作品背面一定要写上中、英文名字、性别、年龄、地址和电话。作品一定要在12/20/15寄到Q.A.E.C 37-02 Main St. 4/Fl.. #203, Flushing, NY 11354.

皇后画院定于12月27日(星期日)下午1时半在FLUSHING 图书馆楼下礼堂举行绘画展览和颁奖典礼,由着名画家担任评判。 届时州市议员,社区领袖参加颁奖仪式, 并由国际艺术学院负责文艺演出,有唱歌、跳舞、魔术和小狗表演, 欢迎小画家踊跃参赛和参加颁奖典礼。报名请到皇后画院37-02 Main St,4Fl #203 Flushing NY 11354,任何问题请联系皇后画院刘老师, 917-513-9789,718-229-6098。

皇后画院为配合这次绘画比赛, 为庆祝成立18周年, 为回馈社区和推广美术教育, 现推出中国新年新生送免费绘画班3个月, 欢迎有兴趣的小朋友报名参加. 电话: 718-229-6098 / 917-513-9789刘老师。


Queens Art Education Center, NY Life and Flushing Library and USALIFEONLINE.INC are proud to present the 2015 Christmas Art Competition at Flushing Mall, Queens. This special event is a rare opportunity for children of all ages to express their creativity and talent as they usher in the New Year. Participants will submit a drawing or painting which best suits the title "A Wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year", using their imagination and passion in art to celebrate Christmas and New Year.

Exhibition Time: December 27, 2015

Location: Flushing Library Auditorium 41-71 Main St. Flushing, NY 11354

Participants are divided into three age groups: ages 4-7, 8-12, and 13-18.

The artwork will be judged by renowed artists Liang Mei Huang, Lou Jeng, and

Melissa Yung.


1) All artwork must be done by participants on 11 x 14 paper unframed, in black and white drawing or color painting .

2) The following information MUST be written on the back of the submitted artwork: the artist’s English and Chinese name, sex, age, address, and telephone number.

3) Artwork must be submitted before December 20, 2015.

Mail to: Q.A.E.C 37-02 Main St. 4/Fl.. #203, Flushing, NY 11354. Mark the envelope with: “2015 Art Competition”. Artwork may also be submitted directly to the Queen Art Education Center.

Awards and Prizes:

1ST PLACE - ( 1 winner from each age group) - $200 and award certificate

2ND PLACE- ( 2 winners from each age group) - $ 150 & award certificate for each

3RD PLACE- ( 2 winners from each age group) - $ 100 & award certificate for each

Special Prize- Award of Merit $10 for 30 top participants.

All other participating artists will receive a Christmas gift.

Award Ceremony Day: December 27, 2007, 1:30 p.m. at Flushing Library Auditorium

The New York City Council and State Senator and Assembly will be attending to our Art Competition Award Ceremony.

For inquiries, contact Mr. Liu at (917) 513-9789 or the Queen Art Education Center 718-229-6098

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