职场达人教你如何拿下Dream Job多位精英演讲人带你进职场讲座报名进行中

2016年04月13日 Seed职业培训

最近 Seed 持续在为大家举办「求职讲座」,从各种不同角度帮求职者们在澳洲人才市场上做更多的了解。已经为 Seed 做过多次职业讲座的两位资深职业导师 Shirley 和 Thai,将在下周再次为大家呈现一场内容更加丰富的「精英求职讲座」。

不仅由 Shirley 和 Thai 再次为大家介绍澳洲招聘与求职生态。这次讲座还特别邀请到了金融界精英来与求职者们分享他们曾经的经历和对于目前澳洲人才市场独到的见解。


Chris L.
Westpac 高级 Financial Planner , 

六年 Financial Planning 从业经验,
其中包括 NAB, KPMG, Australian Government, Amicus Financial lifestyle planning

曾任教于 Deakin 大学金融系

下面是 Chris 的演讲大纲:
Presentation on career in Financial Planning:
- What is financial planning?
- What are the key responsibilities for a financial planner?
- How to apply for a financial planner position as a commerce graduate?
- What is the key selection criteria for a financial planner?
- People skill, strong knowledge in wealth management products, CFP
- What are the career progression opportunities for a financial planner?

Interview session:
- How did you get into the financial planning field?
- What do you enjoy about your work as financial planner?
- What are the challenges you face in your daily job?
- How did you successfully manage the sales process in financial planning?
- What kind of personality suits a financial planner position?
- Is there any competitive advantages for a Chinese international student to apply for roles in financial planning?

Gloria L.
丰富四大会计事务所 Senior Tax Consultant 从业经验,
曾就职于 EY 和 KPMG,
并参与多家跨国公司的企业税务项目,主要客户有:Fonterra Co-Operative Group, Jemena Limited, Smiths Group Plc, Bunzl Australasia Limited , GE

现任 HLB Mann Judd 高级咨询师

墨大 New Generation Undergraduate Award 奖学金获得者


下面是 Gloria 的演讲大纲:
Presentation on career in tax accounting
- What is tax accounting?
- What does a tax accountant job involve on a daily basis?
- How to successfully get into a Big 4 accounting firm position in Australia as an international student?
- What are the key skills and competencies required for a tax consultant?
- What is the career path for a tax accountant in Big 4?

Interview content:

-Why did you choose to work in tax accounting in KPMG when you graduated?
-How did you move from KPMG to EY?
-What’s the difference in the culture in KPMG and EY from your experience?
-What kind of personality and skillset would be preferred by Big 4 accounting firm?
-Is there any challenge for you as an Asia female with an overseas background working in large Australia organization?


Cathy L.
在没有 PR 的情况下成功拿下澳洲知名会计事务所 Nexia Australia Financial advisor offer,
成为 Nexia Australia Consulting 团队的唯一华人, 
前 Seed Career Coaching Program学员

拥有Morgan Stanley 和 Sony 中国实习经验

上海外国语大学本科,墨尔本大学研究生学历,Melbourne Business School Pre-semester Program 专业竞赛得主

Cathy 将用自己的亲身经历与大家分享以下关于面试问题上的心得:
What’s your key responsibilities as an adviser at Nexia?
What are your challenges in job seeking as an international students and how did you overcome them?
How did you get into your current position at Nexia?
How did you prepare for your interview?

What kind of role does a career coach play in your job seeking process? What do you benefit the most from your career coaching service?

Seed 精英讲座
下午 5 - 6.30
Seed Training Group
Level 10, 356 Collins St
Melbourne, 3000 VIC

或直接给 Seed微信平台留言报名,只要留下您的姓名、电话号码、邮箱地址、正在学习的专业 和 希望求职的行业。(请完整回答每个报名问题。)



同时欢迎点击下面链接查看 Shirley 和 Thai的职业背景,以及过往「求职讲座」的大概内容:

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