
2016年04月13日 美国驻华大使馆



 “小尼亚加拉大瀑布”只是你可以在奇克索国家休闲区可以看到的众多美景之一。由普拉特国家公园(Platt National Park )和阿巴克尔游乐区(Arbuckle Recreation Area)合二为一后形成,奇克索国家休闲区涵盖了几乎1万英亩清澈的河流,水库和瀑布。有些人喜欢在阿巴克尔湖上坐摩托船徜徉。

有些人则喜欢在老兵湖(Veterans Lake)检验他们的钓鱼技能。但也许所有风景中最著名的要属奇克索著名的矿泉。一个多世纪以来,游客纷纷来到此地体验泉水“传说中的健康益处”。你是否曾经泡过矿泉水呢?


You may have heard of Niagara Falls in New York, but did you know there’s another Niagara Falls in Oklahoma? 

The “little Niagara Falls” is just one of many things you can see at Chickasaw National Recreation Area. Formed after Platt National Park and Arbuckle Recreation Area were combined into one park, Chickasaw National Recreation Area covers almost 10,000 acres of crystal clear rivers, reservoirs and water falls. 

Some enjoy taking out a motor boat on the Lake of the Arbuckles. Others like to test their fishing skills at Veterans Lake. But perhaps most famous of all are Chickasaw’s famous mineral springs. For more than a century, visitors have come to the park to experience the springs’ purported health benefits. Have you ever been in a mineral spring?

Find out more at http://www.nps.gov/chic/index.htm

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