
2016年04月08日 最英国


19. 釜底抽薪--Remove the firewood from under the pot

Instead of attacking enemy's fighting forces, the attacks are directed aganist his ability to wage war. (比喻从根本上解决问题。)

20. 混水摸鱼--Fishing in troubled water.

Create confusion and use this confusion to turther your own goals. (表示趁乱时夺取不正当的利益,趁机蒙混过关。)

21. 金蝉脱壳-Get away like the cicada sloughing its skins. 

Mask yourself, either leave one's distincitive traits behind, thus becoming inconspicuous, or masquerade as something or someone else. (原意是指制造或利用假象脱身,现比喻事情发生根本性的变化。)

22. 关门捉贼--Shut the door to catch the thief.

Do not rush into action, cut off your enemy;s escape rotes first, and cut off any routes which could help him escape. (围歼敌人的方式,要断他的后路。)

23. 远交近攻--Befriend a distant state and strike a neighbouring one. 

When you are the strongest in one field, your greatest threat is from the second strongest in your field, not the stronggest from another field. (原意是指联络距离远的国家进攻邻近的国家,现指待人处世的一种手段。)

24. 假途伐虢--attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbour. 

Borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy. Once the enemy is defeated, use those resources to turn on the ally that lent you them in the first place. (就是假他人之手,去消灭一个共同的敌人,后转向消灭这个联手的敌人。)

25. 偷梁换柱--Replace the beams with rotten timbers. 

Disrupt the enemy's formations, change the rules in which they are used to following, go contrary to their standard traning. (比喻暗中玩弄手法,以假乱真,以劣代优。)

26. 指桑骂槐--Point at the mulberry tree while cursing the locust tree. 

To discipline, control, or warn others whose status or position excludes them from direct confrontation. (这句话很好理解,就是比喻表面在骂一个人,其实是暗示骂另一个人。)

27. 假痴不癫--Feigning madness without becoming insane.

Hide behind the mask of fool to create confusion about your intentions and motivations. (指时机味道,切记要深藏不露。)

28. 上屋抽梯--Removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up the roof. 

With baits and deceptions, lure your enemy into treacherous terrain, cut off his lines of communication, he must fight both your own forces and the elements of nature. (指利用小利引诱敌人,然后截断退路,以便围歼。)

29. 树上开花--Deck the tree with false blossoms. 

Through the use of artifice and disguise, make something of no value appear valuable. (比喻将本求利。)

30. 反客为主--Turning from the guest into the host.

Initially, pretend to be a guest to be accepted, but develop from inside and become the owner later. (意思就是客人反变成主人,也比喻被动变为主动。)

31. 美人计--The beauty trap

Sending your enemy pretty lady to cause discord within his camp. (就是利用美女去扰乱敌方的阵营咯~)

32. 空城计--The empty fort strategy

Pretend you have huge ambush hidden for them, act calmly and taunt the enemy. (意指虚张声势,是一种疑中生疑的心理战,多理喻己弱敌强的情况。)

33. 反间计--Sowing discord among the enemy. 

Undermine your enemy's ability to fight by secretly acusing discord between him and his friends and family. (识破对方的阴谋算计巧妙的利用对方的诡计去攻击对方。)

34. 苦肉计--Deceiving the enemy by torturing one's own man

Pretending to be injured, the enemy may be relax his guard. (伤害自己而蒙骗他人,从而达到目的。)

35. 连环计--Chain strategy

In important matters, one should use several strategies applied simultaneously after another as in a chain of strategies. if any one strategy fails, then the chain breaks and the whole scheme fails. (一环扣一环,原意是指敌方自累,一计攻敌,两计扣用。)

36. 走为上--If all else fails, run!


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