
2016年04月06日 美国驻华大使馆

(Photo: Credit: Kenny Braun)

本周主打:大弯曲国家公园(Big Bend National Park)。

这座宏伟的公园占地801163英亩,其位于奇索斯盆地(Chisos Basin)的基本设施包括游客中心、邮局、国家公园管理局营地、步道公园、加油站-便利店,以及一家餐厅-礼品店-旅店。强烈建议提前预订,尤其是节假日和春假期间。






This park encompasses 801,163 acres of magnificent contrasts. Basic facilities include visitor centers, post office, National Park Service campgrounds, a trailer park, store-gas stations and a restaurant-gift shop-lodge in the Chisos Mountains Basin. Advance reservations are strongly advised, especially for holidays and spring break. 

The Chisos Basin is at an elevation of 5,400 feet and trails go higher. The basin and higher Chisos offer backpacking, day hiking, wildlife watching, camping, hotels, restaurants and ranger programs. There is a cost for personal ranger-guided tours, which are first-come, first-served.

There are dinosaur fossils in Big Bend. Past discoveries include the skull of a Chasmosaurus, which is triceratops-like but for its shorter horns, and the bones of a pterosaur, a flying reptile species whose wingspan could reach 36 feet. So what kind of dinosaurs have you seen?

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