各种关于蔬菜的习语Easy Get!

2016年04月11日 最英国


1. A carrot and stick

This is an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishement. (胡萝卜加木棍,这个短语是一句俚语,意指一种奖赏的同时又会有惩罚的政策)

例句:Our company uses a carrot and stick-more money is the carrot, loss of your job is the stick. (我们公司奖罚分明,干得好就有奖金,干的不好就只能等着被炒鱿鱼了。)

2. Not know beans


例:Don't follow her instructions, she doens't know beans about fashion. (你别听她的,她对时尚一窍不通。)

3. In a pickle

之前提到过In a jam和In a pickle是一样的意思。Pickle是腌菜的意思,掉进腌菜里了--“陷入困境”

例:Now we are in a pretty pickle, we are out of petrol. (我们现在遇到麻烦了,我们的车没油了。)

4. As cool as a cumcuber


例:When everything seems to be going wrong, she stays as cool as a cucumber. (当一切事情都很不顺利时,她依旧很淡定。)

5. Salad days


例:It was a great time, I met her in my salad days. (那段时间很美好,我在年少时遇见了她。)

6. Pass an olive branch


例句:I don't want to argue with her, lets pass an olive branch. (我不想再和她吵下去,我们和解吧。)

7. Couch potato

A“couch potato” is someone who spends an excessive amount of time seated watching television or playing video games. (意思就是那些总是花大量时间在电视电脑前玩游戏的人。)

例:Don't be such a couch potato, let's go out for a walk. (不要这么沉迷游戏,我们出去走走吧。)


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