
2016年08月01日 剑桥考试语言辅导



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剑桥雅思 传播考试真理

We teach to achieve!

Task 2: Some people think that the governments should decide the subjects for students to study at university. Others believe that students should be allowed to apply for the subjects they prefer. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (at least 250 words)


      对,雅思命题就是酱紫: 让考生来个欲擒故纵,不考谁的专业,只是考些常识。原因很简单:借英语国家的一些社会现象作为话题,给考生一个平台、展示他们的语言实力。

我们应对的策略,其实也很简单:不断自问why? why? why? why? 政府为何要这样做?这样做,肯定他们有什么难处? 有一定什么好处? 对国家和学生,对吧?


Model Answer:

Questions about selecting subjects seem to have long been of concern to parents and students. As we know, most universities actually tend to list a range of compulsory subjects for students to study, while they also provide them with a number of selective courses. This means that students in a discipline have few opportunities to challenge a well-structured program. Rather, they have to accomplish them in a given period unless they abandon graduation.

Those who advocate governments' autonomy of the courses understand the complicated audition of a program by educational authorities. To ensure specialty of graduates, governments should academically scrutinize the application of institutions, making ensure the programs can cover the subjects necessary to students, regardless of the course deliveries. In addition, governments should persist in sufficient number of human resources to enhance the competence in all the fields including national security. Therefore, quality education should be supervised by government's agency - a team of educational experts and consultants.

In contrast to governments' decision, some opponents believe that the right to choose subjects should be transferred to students. This freedom will allow students to concentrate on their interest with the availability of programs on campus. More importantly, interests can generate a lifelong passion for what they are educated, thus graduates becoming creative and productive in their future career.

But, from my perspective, this proposal is not feasible and realistic. Although students, as a customer of universities, pay for their tuition fees, they lack skills and expertise methods to create a portfolio of courses for their favorite major. Meanwhile, the practice of governments does not lack its drawbacks. For example, many institutions in China mandatorily require their students whose major is English to study the second foreign language, which turns out to be useless.

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