
2016年07月27日 美国驻华大使馆


#美国音乐# — 猫王

埃尔维斯·普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)被誉为“摇滚之王”或简称“猫王”,他首支单曲就成为美国热门歌曲冠军,这让他广受欢迎。随着他多张专辑取得成功并在电视上亮相,他获得了摇滚领军人物的地位。

他的音乐融合了乡村、节奏和蓝调。那些歌曲扎根音乐本身、超越种族界限,让他在民权运动刚兴起时既深受欢迎又饱受争议。他著名的歌曲有《监狱摇滚》(Jailhouse Rock)、《伤心旅店》(Heartbreak Hotel)和《Suspicious Minds》(猜疑的心)。


Known as the “King of Rock and Roll” or even just “The King,” Elvis Presley was thrown into popularity when his debut single became a number-one hit in the US. Following multiple successful releases and TV appearances, he was positioned as the leading figure of rock and roll. His music was a mix of country, rhythm, and blues.

The songs had roots in music that crossed color barriers and made him both popular and controversial at a time when the civil rights movement was just emerging. He is known for songs like ‘Jailhouse Rock,’ ‘Heartbreak Hotel,’ and ‘Suspicious Minds.’

For more information about the King of Rock and Roll, please visit http://www.elvis.com/



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