
2017年02月06日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

#美国科学家和探险家# 梅·杰米森(美国国家航空航天局航天员)


梅·C·杰米森博士(Dr. Mae C.Jemison)是首位非洲裔美国女航天员。尽管杰米森博士在斯坦福大学和康奈尔大学医学院所获得的学位,以及她在NASA接受的著名的航天员训练项目或许为她在1992年乘坐“奋进号”(Endeaver)航天飞船进入太空打下了基础,但使她脱颖而出成为今天的全能女人的,是这位青年医生在古巴和肯尼亚的研究、在泰国一家柬埔寨难民营的工作、在塞拉利昂和利比亚担任和平队医师的经历、以及她一生对于舞蹈和戏剧的热爱。你认为什么是杰米森博士最大的挑战?点击链接,阅读更多她的故事(英文):http://www.biography.com/people/mae-c-jemison-9542378

#AmericanScientists&Explorers# Mae Jemison (NASA Astronaut) 

Resource: http://www.famousscientists.org/15-famous-black-scientists-in-history/

Dr. Mae C. Jemison was the first African American female astronaut.  While Dr. Jemison’s degrees from Stanford University, Cornell University Medical College and the prestigious NASA astronaut training program may have prepared her to launch into space aboard the Endeaver in 1992, it was the young medical doctor’s studies in Cuba and Kenya, her work in a Cambodian refugee camp in Thailand, her Peace Corps tour in Sierra Leone and Liberia as medical officer and her lifelong love of dance and theater that distinguish her as the renaissance woman she is today.  What do you think Dr. Jemison’s greatest challenges could have been?  

Read more about her story here (eng): http://www.biography.com/people/mae-c-jemison-9542378 

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