
2017年02月02日 新西兰好健康

Despite how it looks sometimes, fit and healthy people don’t just wake up with a six-pack, brimming with energy and mental clarity. It takes real commitment to get your body in this condition and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Our naturopath, Vanessa has put together a list of nine rules she believes these people live by, which cover diet, the necessity of sleep, managing stress, immunity, the body’s pH level and more. Find out why she believes they’re so important.


Rule #1:Eat a Healthy Diet


Short-term diets hardly ever work. They’re only effective until you stop and then you normally gain the weight back again. To make a permanent change to your body, you need a lifestyle change that you can stick to, so let yourself have a treat every now and again if it keeps you sane! Eating a nutritional, balanced diet is key – just find what works for you.

短期节食几乎没有任何作用。它只会在你节食时才会有所反应,一旦停止节食,体重也会随之反弹。为了持久有效的保持身材,您的生活方式就需要做出一些调整。如果这听起来合理,那么找到一个你可以长期坚持的方式,尝试一下吧.营养均衡的饮食是关键 - 只是需要找到什么是对你有用的。

A good place to start is to make sure you’re eating the good sorts of fats packed with Omega-3s. The oiler the fish the better, salmon, tuna and sardines are packed with these good fats. If fish isn’t to your taste, you can always take an Omega-3 supplement to boost your levels. Another rule to healthy eating is to lower your sugar and flour intake and up your vegetables instead. Including a daily supplement like magnesium into your diet is also an easy way to keep your immune system performing at its best.


Rule #2: Get a Good Night’sSleep


Sleep has a lot to answer for when it comes to your mental and physical wellbeing. While you sleep your brain recuperates and stores information, new cells are created to heal and repair your body and hormones are produced to regulate your weight. When you don’t get decent shut-eye, your body starts producing cortisol, wreaking havoc on your immunity and limiting your ability to heal. 


It’s important that you allow yourself time to properly wind down before going to sleep – most people need at least an hour. During this time, avoid bright lights and electronic devices – your body is designed to sleep at night, so the less light the better. Magnesium is another great helper for those that have trouble sleeping. It’s called the chill mineral as it helpsmuscles relax, to give you that calm “sleepy” feeling and helps you unwindafter a long day.

最重要的是在睡觉前需要适当的放松,大多数人至少需要一个小时。在这段时间,避免明亮的灯光和使用电子设备 - 你的身体被设计为夜间睡觉,所以光源越少越好。镁是另一个会对失眠有所帮助的元素。它被称为寒冷矿物质,因为它可以帮助放松肌肉,给你平静的的感觉,并帮助你在个漫长的一天后得到一个放松。

Rule #3: Manage Your Stress Levels


Humans are programmed with a ‘fight or flight’ response. When we are in danger (or stressed), our bodies produce cortisol and adrenalin to feed our muscles and brain, allowing us to think and act faster. While these hormones are useful in small amounts, they can be destructive in high doses, attacking your immune system in particular. To limit these hormones, managing your stress is essential. Go for a run, take a bath – find what works for you and do it regularly. There are natural remedies for stress that many people find helpful too; find out more about them here.

人类被编程为战斗或飞行的反应方式。当我们处于危险(或压力)时,我们的身体会产生皮质醇和肾上腺素来刺激我们的肌肉和大脑,使我们能够更快地思考和行动。虽然少量的这些激素是有利的,但高剂量就会产生破坏性,特别是对你的免疫系统会有所影响。为了限制这些激素分泌,管理你的压力是至关重要的。跑步,洗澡 - 找到那种对你有用的方式,并长期的坚持下去。还有一些对抗压力的自然办法,点击这里,了解更多详情。

Rule #4:Take Time Out


Every now and then you just need to reset and recharge. Healthy people understand that taking a break from life once in awhile is not a luxury but a necessity. Nobody can keep going forever – when you feel run-down, rest, relax, enjoy the change of pace until you’re ready to start fresh, full of energy to tackle life once again. 

无时无刻您都需要充电和重启。健康的人都明白,休息不是奢侈,而是必要的。没有人可以一直工作 - 当你感到精力不足时,要学会休息与放松。当你感到充满活力,精力充沛时,再继续繁忙的工作。

Rule #5:Treat the Root of the Problem, Not the Symptom


When you encounter an issue with your body, it’s important to find out what’s causing it. Healthy people don’t just drink a lot of coffee when they’re feeling tired, they investigate the underlying cause and treat it. Perhaps they need more sleep; perhaps they are low in iron or B12. By only treating the symptom, you never really fix the issue at hand and often cause more problems in the process. Put your detective hat on and find out what’s going on – your body will thank you for it.

当你的身体遇到问题时,重要的是找出导致它的原因。健康的人不仅仅在他们感到疲倦时喝大量的咖啡,他们调查其根本原因并治疗它。也许是需要更多的睡眠; 也许是缺少铁或B12。如果只治疗症状,那么问题并没有解决,更多的问题会接踵而来。找出根本原因,这才是解决之道。

Rule #6:Reinforce Your Immunity 


Healthy people ward off colds before they happen. There are lots of natural ways to keep your immune system up to scratch, particularly in the winter months when you’re most at risk of getting sick. Visit your doctor to check if you’re deficient in vitamin D, iron and B12 – these nutrients are essential for getting through the winter unscathed.

健康的人在流感到来之前就采取防御措施。有许多自然的方法来强化你的免疫系统,特别是当你处于生病高风险期,冬天里的那几个月。拜访你的医生,检查你是否缺乏维生素D,铁和B12 - 这些营养素是保证安全度过冬天的必要条件。

Rule #7:Keep Your pH Balanced


Your body is healthiest when its pH level is slightly more alkaline.When your body becomes too acidic, you can develop a condition called acidosis, which results in fatigue, rapid breathing, stomach problems and confusion. Eating lots of alkalising foods including avocado, dark leafy greens, coconut and cucumber while cutting back on sugar, meat and dairy will help to keep your pH in check.


Rule #8:Detox Regularly


Today’s environment has a lot more toxins and chemicals than it used to. When there are too many toxins in your body, you can start to experience digestive issues, fatigue, skin problems and muscle pain. Detoxing regularly is a great way to keep the nasties out of your body and your health in good condition. There are lots of safe, natural ways to detox


Rule #9:Embrace Apple Cider Vinegar


This incredible liquid is so beneficial for so many parts of your body. With its range of bacteria, yeast, acids and nutrients, it supports digestion, lowers blood sugar levels, aids weight loss and supports immunity. To reap the benefits, it’s best taken raw, organic and unfiltered. Use it as a salad dressing or dilute it with a bit ofwater and drink it. It’struly amazing.


Committing to a healthy lifestyle is no small feat but the benefits are huge when you do. Remember that you are only human, so make small, achievable changes and build up your routine – drastically changing your lifestyle overnight is not only distressing, it’s unsustainable.


What health hacks do you swear by? Share them in the comments below.


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