
2014年12月05日 澳洲会计师公会上海办事处

商业聚会时忘记别人的名字怎么办?不妨找到你认识的人,请他们再帮你做一次引荐。澳洲会计师公会首席执行官Alex Malley五招教你快速记住人名。原汁原味阅读英语文章,学习人际交往技巧:

“Try this the next time you attend an event - imagine you are in a room and know only some people present, what would you do? Seek out the people you know, and ask them to perhaps introduce you to those you don't know.”

The Naked CEO Alex Malley

Chief Executive of CPA Australia

There are few moments that are more awkward or embarrassing than when you meet someone new, but forget their name when you go to in troduce them to someone else. So how can you avoid this red-faced conversational blunder? By remembering people’s names of course! Here’s how:

1. Take notice

When someone tells you their name, be focused. Remembering a person’s name is important for several different reasons including a sense of acknowledgement and being polite. It also makes people pay greater attention to what you are saying.

2. Ask to repeat their name again

If you didn’t hear a person’s name correctly the first time, get them to repeat it at the start of the conversation. Say ‘I didn’t catch your name’ or ‘sorry what was your name?’ Don’t wait until the end of the conversation to ask because it will come across as though you weren’t taking notice of what the person was saying.

3. Write their name down

If you are constantly forgetting names, carry a notepad around with you or use your phone to write down the names of the people you meet. Next to their name write down a short description such as 'wears glasses' or has 'blonde hair'. Then when you are struggling to remember a person’s name,use the notepad as a reference to find out who it might be.

4. Ask for a business card

If you are attending a networking event, carry businesscards and exchange them with the people you meet. This will not only ensure you have their name handy whenever you need it but you will also have their direct contact details.

5. Ask a friend or colleague to help

If you can’t remember a person’s name after you meet them, ask a friend or family member to help you. Some people are better at remembering other people’s names, so ask for help if you are stuck because you could receive the answer straight away.

Your network will quickly grow if you’re able to remember the names of everyone you meet! So put a bit of time into practicing these techniques.

Don’t forget:

- Pay attention.

- Ask them to repeat their name.

- Find a visual way to remember the person’s name, like by asking for a business card or by writing it down.

- Ask a friend or colleague for help.

Give it a go:

Next time you’re invited to a party, try introducing yourself to as many new people as possible and practice these memory-jogging tricks. At the end of the party test yourself by seeing how many new names and faces you can match up!


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