【北京美国中心活动】读者剧场试镜研讨会,08月29 日,周二,晚 6:30

2017年08月22日 美国驻华大使馆

Extract the QR code to register.


想知道“读者剧场”是什么和如何做的吗?曾经想过在剧场演出,但却很紧张或是无法安排几个月的排练时间?希望你能用自己的时间和才华为公益事业服务吗?加入我们在北京美国中心举办的一场研讨会,它将教你如何为慈善读者剧场试镜并且真正成功地成为读者剧场的演员。我们将公开读者剧场的魔力,并介绍我们的下一个剧本和试镜日程。我们将学习和练习所有试镜所需的技能,例如呼吸控制,语音投射,以及在阅读脚本时如何听和回应。 你不需要是演员来参加研讨会,我们欢迎所有人。 我们将一起练习试镜过程,分享反馈意见,并在安全、有趣和建立自信的活动中提升我们的技能。


Ever wonder what “Readers Theater” is or how it’s done? Ever want to be in a theater production but were nervous or could not schedule the time for months of rehearsal?  Ever wish you could use your time and talents to serve a good cause?  Join us at the Beijing American Center for a seminar that will teach you how to audition for the Charity Readers Theater and how to actually succeed as a cast member of a Readers Theater.  We will disclose the magic of how Readers Theater is done, as well as introduce you to our next script and audition schedule. We will learn and practice all the skills needed to audition well such as breath control, voice projection, and how to listen and respond even while reading a script. You don’t need to be an actor to join the seminar, everyone is welcome. Together we will practice the auditioning process, share feedback and refine our skills in a safe, fun, confidence building event. 

To RSVP: http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/21046



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