
2013年05月29日 新西兰打工旅行完全手册

  在新西兰南岛中奥塔哥(Central Otago)地区的亚历山大(Alexandra)博物馆,我看到一段关于中国矿工的记载。这段文字以英文版的中国谚语“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”开头,记述了当年中国矿工的艰难处境。最终中国淘金者以超强的适应能力和足智多谋生存下来,并获得当地人的尊重。


An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you cannot buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.—Chinese Proverb

When the Chinese arrived at the Otago Goldfields, it was often in the wake of the other miners. In Central Otagos harsh conditions this made things even harder for the Chinese, who were forced to rework claim that had long given up their riches. Some, like Choie Sew Hoy, excelled at the advanced methods of mining, but most were stuck with their pan and cradle.

The hope of a return home saw the most optimistic Chinese stick with mining, while others moved on to become gardeners and storekeepers in towns throughout the region. The adaptability and resourcefulness of the Chinese in Central Otago made them well-respected and vital citizens in the growing mining communities.

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