
2015年12月23日 墨尔本生活资讯


It is so boiling HOT out!!! 热熟了!

Sweltering 闷热的;热得难受的

Scorching 炽热的

The temperature is record-breaking. 温度再创新高

The heat shimmers off the baked ground 闪耀的热气烤焦了大地

The sun blazes down from a cloudless azure sky. 阳光从万里无云的天空中激燃而下

There’s only a warm breath of wind. 吹的风都是热的

The bitumen on the road is melting. 马路上的沥青在融化

You can actually cook steaks in your car. 你可以在车里烤牛排

I’m a cooked ginger bread man! 我已经烤熟了!

I could only think of being inside an ice cube as I ran into the comfort of my air-conditioned house. 冲进空调房爽得像在冰块里一样

With this level of humidity, the air is so thick and smothering. 潮湿闷热让人窒息

A sizzler 非常热的一天

Heat wave 热浪

Arid 干旱的

Torrid 晒热的

Parched 炎热的;炒过的;焦的


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