
2016年01月04日 澳洲华人服务

澳洲华人总工会在20151126号迎来了他三周年的生日,近百名总工会代表以及特邀嘉宾于当天在 位于Strathfield Plaza的总部会议室举办了三周年庆典。在庆典嘉宾致辞之前,澳大利亚总工会播放了三周年纪念视频,对三年以来的工作情况作了概要回顾,同时也播放了中国办事处以及国内合作大学教授的视频讲话。随后,澳大利亚华人总工会主席陈青松发表了重要讲话。

陈青松在讲话中首先阐述了总工会的宗旨就是在澳洲实践自由贸易主义,合作主义,多元文化主义,共和主义。根据总工会的宗旨,总工会开展了一系列活动,包括举办了两届青年领袖训练营,组织国内基金公司来澳洲考察访问,连续参加悉尼华人新春花灯游行,参加反对修改反种族歧视法18条款的游行,在新州议会对帕尔莫反华言论进行抗议活动,举办164年以来海外华人第一次的澳洲淘金潮华人死难者公祭大会并组织编撰相关专辑等一系列活动,举办抗日胜利七十周年纪念大会并现场观看大阅兵直播等,社会效益良好,获得政府,社区和人民的一致好评。为了进一步贯彻宗旨,陈青松还在讲话中宣布成立了澳洲多元文化研究所和澳洲国际贸易促进会作为总工会的附属组织,澳洲多元文化研究所由国会议员MichelleRowland和Laurie Ferguson担任名誉所长。

紧随其后发言的是代表Michelle Rowland国会议员出席庆典的Jodi McKay州议员以及Julia Finn州议员,她们对华人总工会三年以来活动成果的作了充分肯定并表示将在未来继续支持华人总工会在当地的社区活动。

澳大利亚多元文化研究所首席研究员冯崇义教授,澳华文化界杰出领袖黄庆辉先生,澳大利亚著名学者何玉怀博士和Be100总裁James Zhu先生分别致辞,并对澳大利亚华人总工会成立三周年表示热烈祝贺。



Speech on three yearanniversary of ACWA

Ladiesand gentlemen,

The historical moment is arriving; Australian Chinese Workers Association is nowthree years old on 26th November, 2015 which is the milestone in thehistory of ACWA. At the outset, I would like to thank all of the politicalleaders, community leaders, and industry leaders, who consistently support us.I would like to thank the hard work of executive committee. I would like tothank all of the volunteers. Without all of the support, it is impossible forACWA to go through the days with the great achievement which has beenpredetermined by the vision and mission of ACWA.

Themission of ACWA is to promote, implement, and develop four principles in Australia;they are free trade doctrine, corporatism, multiculturalism, and republicanismas well. Recalling the history of ACWA in the last three years, I am brieflydemonstrating the achievement as follow:

In 2013, we recruited about 200 volunteers from campuses and industries forming aFederal Election Volunteer Legion to support ALP for the Federal Election.During this period, we built up a strong relationship with ALP. Besides thefederal election, we had been running series of seminars for Universitystudents on the aspects of CV writing, interview skills, the way to protecttheir rights at work and so on.

In2014, we took part in twilight parade of Sydney Chinese New Year Festival. Wejoined parades to protect Section 18C of Racial Discrimination Act 1975, weprotested Palmer United Party in Parliament House, we published a magazinecalled Asia Pacific Humanities, we organized fund management companies fromChina for business visiting in Sydney and Melbourne, we joined the forum aboutFTA, especially we successfully run the first term Youth leadership Campaignfrom May to December focusing on political awareness and community service, 167young leaders graduated from the campaign with the support of 9 Federal MPs and12 community leaders and industry leaders.

In 2015, we continued to join the twilight parade of Sydney Chinese New YearFestival, exchange of arts and culture had been taking place between ACWA andthe relevant bodies in China and Australia. We also continued to run secondterm of Youth Leadership Campaign focusing on financing and banking, with thesupport of 18 banks and financing companies. The function for 70 anniversariesof Anti-Fascism War in the world and Anti-Japan War in China was successfullyhosted in the head office of ACWA.

In this year, we have done a historically significant event in NSW ParliamentHouse which is a milestone of Australian multiculturalism. On 21stof March, the Australian Harmony Day, with the support from NSW government, theSydney General Consulate of China, mining division of CFMEU and hundreds ofcommunity associations and religious organizations and so on, ACWA successfullyhosted a public memorial service for the Chinese victims during gold rush,following this event, we have been composing a book to commemorate the Chineseminers during gold rush, the monument and documentary are also in progress.

Reviewing the work we have done in the last years, we feel proud of the achievement whichbuilds up a strong base for us to go in the coming days. we are establishingAustralia Institute of multiculturalism with the patron of the Hon MichelleRowland MP, the current shadow minister for multiculturalism, and the HonLaurie Ferguson MP, the former shadow minister for multiculturalism. we will domore work on this platform to promote and develop multiculturalism in Australiaand the world as a whole; we are establishing Australia International TradePromotion chamber, we will keep going on promote and implement free tradedoctrine in Australia and the world as a whole; needless to say, we will stillhave Youth Leadership Campaign and lots of seminars and workshops forprotecting rights at work and job seeking as well, we will do more and morecommunity service activities in the coming years.

In three years, ACWA has been growing up to Toruk, the great dragon in Avatar, sinceour soul has been connecting to the mission of ACWA, all of us are Toruk Maktos,we are riding ACWA to achieve the great mission and vision in the coming years.

Today is a day to say thanks, let me say thanks from my deep heart. Thank you all somuch again for your support, thank you all so much for your time and attention.

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