在生活中展示自己 —暨3月Assembly活动

2016年04月07日 加拿大国际教育集团


CLS held an Assembly on March 30th which helped to enhance the bond between families and the school. The assembly gave children the opportunities to show their talents.


(Students were looking forward to the Assembly.)


Look! Students smiled happily with the award in their hands.


(G5A won the "eight habits" award!)


(G2A won the “quiet shoes” award!)


(G2B won “clean classroom” award!)


(Students won the “Loving of Learning” award!)

(图为Julaine校长为G5A Icy同学颁发2016年南村镇“我心中的英雄”故事比赛三等奖奖状)

(Mrs. Julaine gave the award of "my hero" story competition to Icy.)


(Icy took picture with the principal and her guidance teachers .)

G1C倾情演唱CLS-C的校歌后, G3A和G2A的同学们分别为我们表演了直笛合奏和诗词朗诵,欢乐的笑声和富有童趣的表演,让我们台下的观众感受到了孩子们成长的快乐。

The assembly kicked off with the beautiful CLS-C school song sung by G1C. G3A followed them with a recorder performance and G2A performed a lovely Chinese poem. This month’s assembly was brimming with warmth. 


(G1C sang the school song.)


(Students from G3A gave us a wonderful recorder performance.)


We also held a celebration for the students who were born in February and March. We all sang Happy Birthday song including our smiling principals and our lovely parents.


These are students’ growing experiences and fruits in March. We also invited parents to see the progress of our growing children!




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