
2016年04月14日 美国驻华大使馆




  • 医疗保健服务得到改善,例如移动技术能让医生为偏远地区的患者提供治疗建议,还有能做心脏检查的平板电脑[请见喀麦隆发自心中的创新]。

  • 在发展中国家,可治愈的疾病减少,例如痢疾和呼吸系统疾病的发病率都有所降低。

  • 在发达国家,心脏疾病造成的死亡率降低。


美国政府及其他美国机构不断努力延长全球平均寿命。美国国际发展署(U.S. Agency for International Development)在虫媒疾病高发国分发蚊帐,以此预防疟疾;向孕产妇和儿童提供维生素;并为贫弱人口打痢疾和肺炎预防针。

疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)主任托马斯•弗里登(Thomas Frieden)打流感预防针(© AP Images)

加州大学圣迭戈分校(University of California, San Diego)在弗莱森基金会(Verizon Foundation)的帮助下致力于推进医疗技术。他们提出的一项创意利用智能手机来确保结核病患者按时服药[请点击阅读英文报道]。这有助于预防抗药性结核病毒株的形成。

比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)是美国的一个私营慈善机构,他们支持展开科研,帮助从事开发工作的人员了解问题存在在哪里,以及如何最有效地解决它们[请点击阅读英文报道]。

克里斯托弗·穆雷(Christopher Murray)博士是一位全球卫生领域的教授。他说:“我们正在看到的防治各种疾病和伤害的进步很好,甚至令人赞叹,但我们能够而且必须做得更好。”尽管发展中国家可以预防的肺炎、痢疾和疟疾造成的死亡人数有所减少,但每年仍有两百万不满5岁的儿童受到威胁。


Vaccinating children early raises their life expectancy. (USAID)

You are probably going to live longer than your parents. A lot of people around the world will because global life expectancy (71 years) has risen six years since 1990, when it was 65.

Here’s why:

  • Advances in health care, such as mobile technology that allows doctors to consult with patients in remote areas and tablets that perform heart exams.

  • Declines in treatable illnesses, such as diarrhea and respiratory infections, in developing countries.

  • Declines in deaths related to heart disease in developed countries.

Health experts around the world working for governments, nonprofits and research labs are contributing to the positive trend.

The U.S. government and other American institutions work to extend global life expectancy. The U.S. Agency for International Development distributes bed nets to prevent malaria in countries with vector-borne diseases, vitamins to mothers and children, and diarrhea and pneumonia vaccines to vulnerable populations.

Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, receives his flu shot. (© AP Images)

The University of California, San Diego, with help from the Verizon Foundation, advances health care technology. One initiative uses smartphones to ensure that tuberculosis patients take medication on schedule. This helps prevent the emergence of drug-resistant TB strains. 

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a private philanthropic organization in the U.S.,supports research that helps people doing development work understand where problems persist and how best to address them. 

“The progress we are seeing against a variety of illnesses and injuries is good, even remarkable, but we can and must do even better,” says Dr. Christopher Murray, a global-health professor. While preventable deaths from pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria in developing countries have declined, they still approach 2 million children younger than 5 years old each year.

How much do you know about global health? 

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