加拿达外国语学校剑桥郡校区英文分级阅读计划Leveled Reading Program

2016年04月11日 加拿大国际教育集团

The CLS Leveled Reading Program supports all reading abilities to ensure that each student is successful in decoding and comprehension. This helps to build confidence and create a love for reading. 


Each week students meet with their Foreign Teacher in small leveled groups to look at the book of the week, make predictions, and listen to the teacher read. After students have had the opportunity to read the weekly book at home with their parents/guardians, they meet again in class to take turns reading out loud and to talk about what their book means. 


Reading is a very important way for children to learn vocabulary, sentence structures, spelling, culture, and so much more. They will use these reading skills and strategies for the rest of their lives across languages.


撰稿:Kalsey Root





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