【英语学习】每日对话:去泽西海岸 [声频]

2016年04月18日 美国驻华大使馆


今天他们驱车来到新泽西州的梅角(Cape May),并商量着在这里的活动。

Paul: That was a long drive down from Maine. I didn’t know we were going to the southern tip of the Jersey shore.


Gina: Cape May is a beautiful place, so it’s worth it. You’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the beach. We can pack a picnic and spend the entire day there tomorrow.

Claudine: And can we also go to the Cape May historic district? It’s the country’s oldest seaside resort. Plus, it’s the southernmost point in New Jersey.

Paul: That sounds like a great idea. I’ve read that there are a lot of Victorian homes around here, so I’d like to drive around and see some of the architecture — after a couple of days at the beach, that is.


The shore :水畔,岸边,可以指海边,湖畔等

The southern tip of the Jersey shore:新泽西海岸南边尖角

The Jersey shore泽西海岸,指大西洋海岸线在新泽西州的一段

worth it“:“值得(花时间或功夫)”。在这个对话中的意思是,虽然要开很长的路,但到梅角来是值得的,因为这里很漂亮。

picnic :(一顿)野餐。 To pack a picnic:(用隔热或保温盒、篮子等)装野餐。 在美国,人们往往使用户外的野餐桌(picnic table)或者在地上铺上毯子享用野餐。

historic district :历史悠久的城区,老城,老区,往往保留着昔日的建筑风貌。

seaside resort : 海滨度假地,旅游业往往是其主要文化和经济活动。

Southernmost :最南的,极南的

that is” 有时用来表示说话人添加进一步解释或要更精准地表达某个意思。

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