
2016年08月16日 UKEC海外区

故事描述纽约城最优秀的法医、病理学专家Henry Morgan的传奇经历——人们都称赞他是个了不起的人才,但是没有人知道他的身世秘密。他经历过世间的一切——战争、爱情,甚至天花和疟疾——但惟独没有经历过真正的死亡已经活了200岁的他在公立太平间工作,试图通过研究死人来找出自己永生的秘密。

务实而顽强的纽约警署女侦探Jo Martinez既是他的工作搭档,又是唯一能给他的生活带来一抹亮色的人。在Jo的帮助下,观众将通过一个个案件了解Henry漫长的、充满传奇色彩的人生故事。


So however long you live, even though that might prove avery, very long time……you must tell yourself to live every dayevery hour, as if it could beyour last.



It's not the number of years we live that matters. Our lives just add up to a series of moments. We never know when or where they'll happen.But they sick with us, marking our souls forever.



it has been said the man not dead while his name is still spoken that we are only truly gone when we've disappeared from the memories of those who loved us.



Every generation like to think they are improving upon the last, that progress is inevitable.



You can live despite whatever pain you are going through. But you can not let the fear of getting hurt stop you from opening up to someone you care about.


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