
2016年08月16日 美国驻华大使馆

2012年2月14日,欧巴马总统在白宫椭圆办公室会见时任中国国家副主席习近平 (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) 

 2012年2月16日,周四,中国副主席习近平到爱荷华州麦克斯韦的金伯利家庭农场参观,并与娜塔莉∙金伯利及她8个月大的儿子奥斯汀寒暄。画面中间站在一旁的为玛莎∙金伯利。(美联社照片/ Charlie Neibergall,随行记者)

#欧巴马-中国#2012年2月,时任国家副主席习近平前往加利福尼亚的洛杉矶;华盛顿D.C.;和爱荷华的马斯卡廷;他在1985年曾作为中国代表团成员为学习农业技术到过此地。在白宫会面期间,美国总统欧巴马曾说,“我一直强调,我们欢迎中国的和平崛起,我们相信,一个强大和繁荣的中国可以帮助为本地区和世界带来稳定与繁荣。  ......我们努力强调的是,由于中国过去二十年的非凡发展,与实力的扩展和繁荣一起而来的还有更大的责任。因此,我们希望与中国一起努力,确保大家都遵守同样的道路规则。”

In February 2012, then-Vice President Xi Jinping  traveled to Los Angeles, California; Washington, DC; and Muscatine, Iowa;  where he traveled in 1985 as part of a Chinese delegation studying farming  technology.  During meetings at the  White House, President Obama said, “I have always emphasized that we welcome  China’s peaceful rise, that we believe that a strong and prosperous China is  one that can help to bring stability and prosperity to the region and to the  world. …We have tried to emphasize that because of China’s extraordinary  development over the last two decades, that with expanding power and  prosperity also comes increased responsibilities.  And so we want to  work with China to make sure that everybody is working by the same rules of  the road.”

Reference for quotes: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/02/14/remarks-president-obama-and-vice-president-xi-peoples-republic-china-bil




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