【视频:说出我的故事】Matuto乐队创始人Clay Ross讲述“巴西蓝草”对他意味着什么

2016年08月23日 美国驻华大使馆

大家都知道,巴西主办了2016年里约夏季奥运会!但是你了解巴西音乐吗?了解“巴西蓝草”吗?这是由位于纽约的Matuto乐队演奏的一种混合音乐,它融合了美国蓝草旋律和巴西的节奏和乐器演奏。在本期#说出我的故事#视频中,乐队的创始人Clay Ross讲述了这种音乐是如何在来自世界各地的人们之间“建立桥梁”的。最近Matuto来到中国,并在广州、沈阳、成都和克拉玛依进行了表演。访问matutomusic.com了解更多有关乐队的信息,并聆听一些他们的音乐。


Everyone knows that Brazil hostedthe 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio! But what do you know about Brazilian music?How about “Brazilian Bluegrass?” This is the type of music fusion performed bythe New York based band Matuto, which blends American bluegrass melodies withBrazilian rhythms and instrumentation. In this # 说出我的故事video, bandfounder, Clay Ross, explains the how this kind of music “builds bridges”between people from across the world. Matuto recently traveled to China andperformed in Guangzhou, Shenyang, Chengdu, and Karamay. Visit matutomusic.comto learn more about the band and hear some of their music.   


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