NZCBIA 新西兰华人建筑业协会2015-2016讲座回顾

2016年08月10日 后花园房地产在线

最近华人建筑业协会的年度峰会的新闻不断,让NZCBIA备受关注,我们访问了Frank Xu会长,请他介绍协会过去一年所组织的专业活动。


Frank介绍,NZCBIA设有“专业发展委员会",由三位理事Jennifer,Dylan, Melvin组成,他(她)们分别是地质工程师,建筑设计师和结构工程师,在过去的一年为会员和广大建筑业从业人员举办了许多高水平的讲座。

1/10/2015 Babbage – Transforming Ideas intoSuccessful Investments

这次讲座是在Babbage公司总部举行,Babbage是当地著名的建筑顾问公司. 讲座的主题是怎样成功的把想法落实到实际投资中。讲座的内容包括乳制品工厂,土地分割,公寓酒店项目等等的设计与开发。

This seminar was hosted by NZCBIA atBabbage head office. Babbage is on of largest building consultants company inNZ. The theme was transforming ideas into successful investments. Babbagetalked about design and development projects such as dairy processing plants,land subdivision, apartment and hotel.


13/10/2015 Planner Yu Yi - Basics of RMA / DistrictPlan & Updates on the Unitary Plan


This NZCBIA professional seminar waspresented by experienced planner Yu Yi. At that period, Auckland Unitary PlanIndependent hearing panel has some thought on recommendation. Yu Yi gave adetailed presentation to NZCBIA members.

5/11/2015 James Law – Secrets to Project Marketing

此次协会的专业讲座由James Law先生主讲。James Law分享了他对项目推广一些见解。此次讲座吸引了众多投资商和开发商。

This NZCBIA seminar was presented by MrJames Law. He shared many secrete to project marketing. A large amount numberof investor and developer joined this seminar.

November 2015 Visiting University of Auckland

协会组织会员参观奥克兰大学建筑学院,在高级讲师John Chapman的带领下,会员参观了设计工作室,木制工坊,数字加工中心。最后John介绍了他现在的研究项目:高层木制建筑构造。

NZCBIA members visited School ofArchitecture at Auckland University. Senior lecture John Chapman lead membersto visit design studio, timber workshop, digital fabrication centre. At last,John introduced his latest research topic, which is high rise timber structure.

19/11/2015 KGA Geotechnical – Smarter Ways ofIn-ground Spending


KGA is a well known geotechnicalengineering consultants company. This seminar is presented by NZCBIA boardmember Jennifer. At the same time, geotechnical expert from Portugalintroduced  European in-ground techniques.

Mar 2016 Work Safe NZ / Sure Safe NZ – Introductionto New Health & Safety Act


In early 2016, Health and Safety lawannounced. NZCBIA invited Suresafe to give members a detailed presentation.

12/5/2016 BEAL / Auckland Council – How to Succeedin the Markets of Australia & New Zealand


With issues found in building materialimporting industry, NZCBIA New product and new technology committee promptlyinvited Mr Colin from BEAL to introduce product certification in NZ.

Stephen King from Auckland Councilintroduces the official requirements of product to comply with New ZealandBuilding Code.

After the product certificationpresentation, NZCBIA release Chinese language “NZ Building Product AssuranceGuide”. This guide is edited by board member Dylan Huang.

June 2016 WMZA – Construction Contract

Construction contract management seminar,was presented by Mr Bradley, from Woodham Meikle Zhan Architects company. Atthe same time, Mr Zhan also gave his detailed clarification.

June 2016 Orient Construction – Site Visit to ApolloSquare Development

NZCBIA member visit Apollo square apartmentconstruction site. This was led by Luke Zheng, director of Orient Construction,also a NZCBIA board member.

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