
2016年08月18日 ETEL澳洲生活

8月寿星生日快乐! 感谢您对E.Tel的大力支持,我们将提供8月生日用户塔隆加动物园门票优惠,逼近6折优惠! 来悉尼还没去过动物园,就要趁现在,意者快短信与我们连系: 0435645864

不限张数,活动至9月底止 ! 4月生的,可以带小编一起去吗~~~~也可以留言给我喔 XD )

Happy Birthday! Thank you for choosing using E.tel, as a token of our appreciation and a small birthday offer to you, we're offering Taronga Zoo tickets to you more than 30% off for only $28 (Normally $46).
If you would like to redeem this offer and go see the animals at the zoo, please simply contact us on 0435645864 by sms. Only available until the end of September !


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