
2016年08月17日 UKEC海外区

7月31日,在罗琳和哈利的生日,哈迷们等了九年心心念念的哈利·波特系列第八本,《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》(Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)英文版终于上市,作者是杰克·索恩。




By now you should know the "Harry Potter" drill.

Purchase the book, stay up all night reading, feel all of your feelings and tweet about it.

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" came out to much fanfare over the weekend, and the world is now divided into two groups: those who have finished reading it and those who have not.

But anything Harry Potter is magical -- especially for fans who got their last literary fix with "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in July 2007.

"LOOK HOW HAPPY I AM," tweeted one person along with photos of herself clutching a copy of the book.

Critics weren't as swept away by the latest project.

"The big problem is 'The Cursed Child' is less an original story than a remix of the existing Potter mythology," Andy Lewis wrote in The Hollywood Reporter.

Jessica Contera of The Washington Post noted that while the play may work, the publication "as a mere script, where everything besides dialogue is written as bland stage commands ("Albus is sleeping in a pew. Ginny is watching him carefully. Harry is looking out the opposite window"), it feels nothing like the detailed-filled paragraphs of the Rowling we love.

"It's more like sneaking a peek at her unfinished notes or finding a fetching piece of fan fiction," she said. "The magic is stunted."



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