
2017年03月25日 环球雅思墨尔本分校



rate    He rated his course six on a scale of one to ten


syllable  Excellent' has three syllables


folk tale  each culture has its own set of folk tales


assignment She's having trouble with her assignment; she'll speak to her lecturer about it tomorrow.


acknowledge   The government acknowledge the need for change.


aid   an index to aid the reader


ample You'll have ample time for questions later.


aware (of) He was aware of the need to do well in the exam.


base on   Based on his previous experience, he knew the task would be difficult.


convey   All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram.


discipline     not all universities do research in all disciplines


immediacy immediacy of response isn't necessary in this situation


incredibly    cigarettes are incredibly addictive.


intently   Jake listened intently.


mesmerized   The first time I saw Diane I was mesmerized by her beauty.


motivating Everyone found it very motivating.


rich    a story rich in description and action


take in it's hard to take it all in at once


vanish My keys were here a minute ago but now they've vanished.


version   a new version of the software


case study We'll look at a couple of case studies in this lecture.


collaborative   a collaborative effort

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