【上海美国中心活动】下周看点: 美国参议两院/教育咨询会/妇女历史月放映

2017年03月04日 美国驻华大使馆

36 周一 18:30  走近美国参议院:全世界最伟大的审议机构

Monday, March 6, 18:30  Worlds Great Deliberative Body  Stories from the U.S. Senate



The U.S. Legislative branch, which drafts and passes bills that may be signed by the President, is divided into 2 governing bodies: The House of Representatives and The Senate. Its 100 members represent an institution with a long history of protocol and tradition and the U.S. Senate has been described as the “world’s greatest deliberative body” due to Senator’s ability to publicly debate issues they passionately care about at length. To explain this key American institution, The Shanghai American Center will host a public lecture to explain the function of the U.S. Senate, it’s history, and some major debates which have shaped our Nation. 


The event will be conducted in English with limited interpretation.

38  15:00  EducationUSA教育资源介绍&咨询会

Wednesday, March 8, 15:00  EducationUSA Advising Session




Interested in studying in the U.S.? Want to learn more about the application process, different school options and majors?  On March 8 from 15:00 to 16:30, the Shanghai American Center will host an EducationUSA advising session to help you explore U.S. study abroad options.  During this time, you can read the latest books and resources on U.S. education opportunities and ask our official EducationUSA Advisor for tips on studying in the U.S.   




The event will be in Chinese.

38  18:30  妇女历史月特别放映:《女性争取投票权》

Wednesday, March 8, 18:30  Women History Month Movie Screening: One Woman One Vote


为庆祝三月的妇女历史月(Women’s History Month),上海美领馆将举办一系列相关活动。其中在38日妇女节这一天,上海美国中心将放映有关美国妇女选举权运动的纪录片《女性争取投票权》(One Woman One Vote)。该片回顾了美国长达70年的妇女争取投票权的历史,同时触及了当今女权运动的几个关键议题。该片也让观众有机会走近包括Elizabeth Cady StantonSusan B. Anthony Alice Paul等在内的美国女权主义领袖,是她们组织和领导了为美国妇女争取平等权利的活动。此外,现场会有两位女性美国外交官和观众一起探讨当今社会的女性议题。 

To celebrate Women’s History Month, U.S. Consulate Shanghai will be hosting a series of events including a screening of the documentary on the women’s suffrage movement in the United States at the Shanghai American Center. The documentary is called “One Woman One Vote”, which gives an historical account of the 70-year battle for women’s suffrage in the United States and also sheds light on issues surrounding the women’s rights movement today. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the female leaders who organized and fought for equal rights for American women including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul. The screening will take place on International Women’s Day, March 8, and two American female diplomats will lead a discussion on contemporary women’s issues during the screening. 


The documentary is 106 minutes long and is in English with no subtitles. 

314  18:30  走近美国议院:人民议院的功能

Tuesday, March 14, 18:30  The Peoples House The U.S. House of Representatives Role in American Democracy



The U.S. Legislative branch, which drafts and passes bills that may be signed by the President, is divided into 2 governing bodies: The House of Representatives and The Senate. The House of Representatives is by far the larger of the two, with a total of 435 members, divided based on the proportional population of each of America’s 50 States who are elected every 2 years. These frequent elections have led some observers to nickname Congress’ lower branch as “The People’s House”. As with the Senate, it plays a key role in drafting, debating and passing legislation that affects millions of citizens across the United States. To explain this key American institution, The Shanghai American Center will host a public lecture to explain its function, its history, and some major debates which have shaped our Nation. 


The event will be conducted in English with limited interpretation.

上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540




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