​【美国驻广州总领事馆】“勇敢起来”接龙 -- 国际妇女节视频/3月9日女权专题讲座

2017年03月08日 美国驻华大使馆

“勇敢起来”接龙 -- 国际妇女节

全球的女性,节日快乐!今年美国国务院的全球女性会议的主题为“Be Bold” (勇敢起来), Be Bold for equality (为平等而勇敢), Be Bold for Justice (为正义而勇敢),  Be Bold for Change (为改变而勇敢), 你还能说出Be Bold for......? 一起来接龙吧~~~

女权专题讲座:“Sistersare Doing it for Themselves” - Women Changing America



时间:  03月09日周四19:00-21:00

地点: 广州 天河区 珠江新城华夏路(从地铁珠江新城站B1出口向前直行100米)美国驻广州总领事馆领事部客人出入口




活动简介:“Sisters are Doing it for Themselves” - WomenChanging America for All 

The Eurythmics song, “Sisters are Doing it for Themselves” became the feministmantra in the 1980’s. For over 100 years, the American women’s rights movementhas been at the forefront of fighting for gender and racial justice at home andabroad with origins dating back to the Suffragette movement in the U.K., givingstrength to women in America to fight for the right to vote, to work, and toown property. In modern America, the voices of women and their allies are heardat events such as the Women’s March of January 21st, and International Women’sDay of March 8th. Come learn about the path in which women fought for theirrights from the U.K. to America, bringing their thousands of voices toWashington D.C., the hub of American government, and other major cities aroundthe United States. 


Note: This event is conducted in English and free of charge. You will be askedto show your ID card or passport for admission. Children must be accompanied byan adult. No cameras will be allowed and there is no place to check them, soplease don't bring any cameras with you. Cell phones and tablets are permitted,provided you do not use them to take photos. Thank you for your cooperation 

Please note that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S.Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice.Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish,broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities.Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, throughmultiple broadcast channels and print media. Use of content (image, audio orideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much. 



Read more: https://www.douban.com/event/28285808/

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