【教学】π Day数学科学日-参观吉林省科技馆

2017年03月18日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


Traveling  is better  than Reading. 14th  March  is the Math  and  Science’s day in Sino-Canadian high school. The International Division organize d the “ Science and Technology Tour”. On  15th March, 2017, the students  of  the International  Division  visit ed Jilin science and Technology Museum.There are three parts, including “ Optisches Museum”, “Technology Museum” and” History Museum”.


From  optics  to technology


The  studentslearned about the meaning  of lights  to human beings at the “Optisches Museum”. They saw the developmentof lights and cameras, and the contributions made by Wang Daheng. The studentslearned a lot about lights through their own experiences.


From technology   to culture

   科技馆是在三个展馆中是一个相对有趣的展馆。展馆主要为感知、力学、电磁、生命、太空等为主题。The Technology museum   is  the most  interesting one.   It exhibits  mechanics, life,  and  space  and  so  on.


The  students   learned andexperienced  a  lot  about  technology   and optics.   They   benefits from   this  tour.


Charlotte Wendy




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