【上海美国中心活动】 下周看点:盲人摄影/跨文化沟通/高校认证体系/美国少数群体

2017年03月25日 美国驻华大使馆

3月27日周一 18:30 触摸光影:盲人摄影背后的故事

Monday, March 27, 18:30  Touch Light & Shadow: Stories Behind a Photo Exhibition for the Blind



The Shanghai American Center is proud to host atalk about special education issues featuring workshops, games and aninnovative photo exhibition for the blind, which transforms photos usingbraille and tangible image technology. We will be joined by Mr. Hu Jin from theShanghai School for the Blind, who will talk about special education in Chinaand abroad, non-visual photography and tactile image technology that hedeveloped himself. Come and experience the world in a different way! 


The event will be conducted in Chinese with noEnglish interpretation. 


3月28日周二 18:30 提高你的跨文化沟通能力

Tuesday, March 28, 18:30 Improving Your Cross-cultural Communication Skills


本次活动中,上海美国中心再次请到了英语语言教师(English Language Fellow)来帮助大家提高跨文化沟通能力。活动中,参与者不仅会有锻炼口语的机会,也能学到很多跨文化沟通的技巧,包括如何正确理解外国人的行为、个人主义和集体主义,如何接受并给予赞美等。 

On March 28th, the Shanghai American Center welcomes back Shanghai’s EnglishLanguage Fellow, a language specialist who can help you better communicate withWesterners. Participants in this workshop will have an opportunity to improvetheir oral English skills as well as learn about important interculturalcommunication skills. This workshop will focus on interpreting the behavior offoreigners correctly, individualism and collectivism, and compliments. 


The event will be conducted in English only.

3月30日周四 18:30 详述美国高等教育机构的认证体系

Thursday, March 30, 18:30  WhyU.S. College and University Accreditation Matters for Your Education


赴美留学五步曲的第一步是选择合适自己的学校,而这恰恰是很多父母和孩子头疼的问题,在综合考量各种因素的同时,千万不要忘了确认您拟去的学校是经过认证的正规大学。美国高等教育体系与中国不同,学院认证方不是教育部,而是各个得到教育部认证的认证机构,其中既有地区性的机构,也有全国性的机构,还有专门针对商学院和法学院等的专业性认证机构。本次活动中,我们的RegionalEducational Advising Coordinator Christina Chandler 女士将为您详述美国高等教育机构的认证体系,帮助您更好地作出选择。


Researching your options is thefirst of EducationUSA’s five steps to finding thebest-fit college or university in the United States. Among all the factors toconsider during your college search, an important one is to check if the highereducation institution is accredited or not. Accreditation is a form ofendorsement that a college or university meets certain standards and quality.Unlike the Chinese education system which is governed by the Ministry ofEducation, U.S. colleges and universities are accredited by several accreditingagencies recognized by the Department of Education. Some accrediting agenciesare regional; some are national. Ms. Christina Chandler, Regional EducationalAdvising Coordinator and EducationUSA Shanghai Advisor Xie Pianpian, willexplain the U.S. higher education accreditation system and why it is importantfor students to apply to accredited colleges and universities.


The event will be conducted in English. Please bring your photo ID to enter theShanghai American Center.


4月14日周五 18:30 与作家谢汉兰一起探讨亚裔美国人及其他群体如何适应变化中的时代

Friday, April 14, 18:30  “GeeksGooks Geishas Gays”: Exploring How Asian Americans and Other Groups AreAdapting to Changing Times with Author Helen Zia


亚裔美国人与有色人种、妇女、移民、LGBT人士以及其他一些社群已在美国各地发出了属于自己的声音。然而,身处这样充满挑战的时代,许多人依然不知何去何从。华裔美国人和亚裔美国人如何在当今的美国社会中找到属于自己的一席之地?作家谢汉兰(Helen Zia)应邀作客上海美国中心,从她作为一名亚裔美国人、女权主义者、LGBT作家的个人经历出发,与大家分享社会将迎来如何多样化的未来,她也会谈到我们共有的历史中那些潜在的部分将如何帮助我们实现对自己和对世界的梦想。张之香女士——美国历史上第一位任职驻外大使职务的亚裔美国人——将会为本次活动做开场介绍。


Asian Americans and People ofColor, women, immigrants, LGBTs, and other communities have become more visibleand outspoken everywhere in America. Yet many are feeling more unsettled thanever in these challenging times. Where do Chinese Americans and Asian Americansfit in today's American tapestry? Author Helen Zia joins us at the ShanghaiAmerican Center to explore our increasingly diverse future through personalstories from her experiences as an Asian American, feminist and LGBTwriter--and how hidden pieces of our common history can help to transform thedreams we have for ourselves and the world. Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, thefirst Asian-American to serve as Ambassador, will introduce the program.





About Helen Zia:

Helen Zia is an award-winningauthor, journalist, Fulbright Scholar, and former Executive Editor of Ms.Magazine. The daughter of Chinese immigrants, she has been outspoken on issuesranging from civil rights and peace to women's rights and countering hateviolence and homophobia. Helen is the author of Asian American Dreams: TheEmergence of an American People, which President Bill Clinton quoted from twicein the Rose Garden. Helen testified as a witness in the Federal marriageequality case decided by the US Supreme Court. She was an Olympic torchbearerin the USA for the Beijing 2008 Olympics and her essay "Why I Will Carrythe Torch" went viral globally, with coverage on CNN International andCCTV. Her work on anti-Asian hate violence is documented in the film, "WhoKilled Vincent Chin?" and she was profiled in Bill Moyers' documentary,"Becoming American: The Chinese Experience." A member of PrincetonUniversity's first graduating class of women, Helen received a Doctor of LawsHonoris Causa from City University of New York School of Law. She quit medicalschool after completing two years, then worked as a construction laborer, anautoworker, and a community organizer, after which she discovered her life’swork as a writer. 



4月6日周四 18:30 来自艺术家靳宇辰的分享:留学美国,如何提高跨文化适应能力

Thursday, April 6, 18:30  How to Build Intercultural Competence as an International Student in the United Stateswith Artist Jin Yuchen




When you are studying in the UnitedStates as an international student, there is almost certain to be an adjustmentperiod as you adapt to a new culture and make new friends.  To explorethese issues, the Shanghai American Center is happy to host artist Jin Yuchenfor a talk about the many resources and extra-curricular activities offered byU.S. colleges and universities. Jin is an alumnus of the Wharton School ofthe University of Pennsylvania and the University of Virginia, and whilestudying in the U.S., he performed Chinese traditional bamboo clapper rapat Lincoln Center in New York on multiple occasions. Jin will share hisexperiences in the U.S. as a Chinese international student, sharing how hesuccessfully earned 2 U.S. degrees and mastered English.  He will alsotreat the audience to a special performance and answer questions.




Thisevent will be conducted in both English and Chinese. Please bring your photo IDto enter the Shanghai American Center.

This program will be in Englishwith no interpretation.  Please bring a photo ID to enter the ShanghaiAmerican Center.


上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540室




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