
2017年03月10日 墨尔本生活俱乐部

above board


If business negotiations are described as above board, they are open, honest and legal.

Example:There are not secret negotiations. Our dealings have always been above board.

记忆:board是木板,above board直译就是摊在枱面上的意思,引申为公开透明,光明正大的意思。

have/take an ace up one's sleeve


If you have an ace up your sleeve, you have something in reserve with which you can gain an advantage.

Example: I'm well prepared for the negotiations. I've got
an ace up my sleeve.

hold the aces


A person or company who holds all the aces is in a very strong position because they have more advantages than anyone 

Example: With low production costs and excellent transport

facilities, they seem to be holding all the aces.


back to square one


To say that someone is back to square one means that they have not succeeded in what they were trying to do, so they have to start again.

Example:When they refused the terms of the contract, it was 
back to square one for the negotiators.

Square one: the beginning stage or starting point

back to the wall


If you have your back to the wall, you are in serious difficulty.

Example:With his back to the wall, the supplier had to accept the deal.


beggars can't be choosers


This expression means that you should not reject an offer if it isthe only possibility you have.

Example: You have no choice. "Beggars can't be choosers!"

bend over backwards  


If you bend over backwards, you try very hard to do something,especially to please somebody.

Example:The director bent over backwards to try and persuade them to accept our proposal.

Bend over: to bend down at the waist.

记忆:bend over backwards 就是向后弯腰,这可是高难度动作,所以引申成为了达到目的或讨好某人竭尽全力。

bide one's time


If you bide your time, you wait for a good opportunity to do 

Example: He's not hesitating, he's just biding his time, waitingfor the
price to drop.

Bide: to wait, remian somewhere

blank cheque


If you give someone a blank cheque, you authorize them to dowhat they think is best in a difficult situation.

Example: Tom was given a blank cheque and told to negotiate the best deal possible.

bone of contention


A bone of contention is a matter or subject about which there 
is a lot of disagreement.

Example: The salaries have been agreed on, but opening on  Sundays is still a bone of contention.

Contention: heated disagreement.

clinch a deal


In a business relationship, if you clinch a deal, you reach        

agreement on a proposal or offer.

Example: Paul's final argument enabled us to clinch the deal.

Clinch: Confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).

记忆:clinch作为动词有钉住(~ the nails),解决(~ the argument),赢得(~ the title)的意思。所以clinch a deal可以引申为达成协定或交易等的意思。

bring nothing to the table


If you participate in negotiations and bring nothing to the table  you have nothing of interest to offer the other side.

Example: We'll never reach an agreement if we don't all bring something to the table.

记忆:bring nothing to the table 直译为“没有拿出任何东西”,在不用的语境下可以理解成不同的含义。而在谈判中没有拿出任何东西,则可以理解成没有向对方展示自己能够提供什么东西,或展现诚意。

另外,bring something to the table 则是带来好处或利益的意思。

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