
2017年03月27日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


Journy to Jilin and Enhancing Sino-American Friendship



The winter camp of American St.cloud State University Confucius Institute closing ceremony started at 5:30 p.m. 22th  March 2017. Many guests attended this closing ceremony, they are:

吉林省教育厅苏忠民副厅长,吉林省教育厅国际交流处胡仁友处长,长春市实验中学张彤校长,吉林省对外汉语教学培训中心负责人丁川主任,吉林省对外汉语教学培训中心杨洪书记,美国圣克劳德州立大学孔子学院Kathy院长,美国圣克劳德北部中学Brenda校长,吉林省体育学院武术与民族传统体育学院方方院长,长春市实验中学李雅旻副校长,长春市实验中学张于主任,长春市实验中学国际部张毛毛主任,长春市实验中学国际部加方校长Chad, 以及来自圣克劳德州立大学孔子学院的22名美国学生和中方寄宿家庭的22名学生。

Mr. Su Zhongmin, Deputy Director of Jilin Piovincial Education Department, Mr Hu Renyou, Director of Jilin Provincial Education Department International Communication and Cooperation Department, Ms. Zhang Tong, Principal of Changchun Experimental High School, Mr. Yang Hong, Secretary of Jilin Provincial TCAL Training Center, Ms. Fang fang, Dean of Jilin Provincial PE institute and Traditional Nation PE Institute. Ms.Kathy, Dean of American St.cloud State University Confucius Institute, Ms. Brenda, Principal of American St.cloud State North Middle School, Li Yamin, vice-principal of Changchun Experimental High School.  Ms. Zhang Yu, Director of Changchun Experimental High School Administrative Office, Ms. Zhang Maomao, Director of Changchun Experimental High School International Division, Mr.Chad, Principal of the International Division, and 44 Chinese and  American students.


The opening video recorded  the whole sections about American students daily life during the past 10 days, including their vision about the destination,  and curiousness about strange food. We saw their smile and the nice pictures about the activities as if it happened yesterday.


Mr. Ding Chuan, as the host of the closing ceremony,  aroused the enthusiasm of audience with his humorous style. At the beginning of ceremony, Director Su had a speech and said that American St.cloud State University Confucius Institute is the symbol of Sino-American friendship and the students of the Cnfucius Institute are the outcome of Sino -American friendship,and also the future stars of Confucius Institute . The coming of the American students reduced the distance of Sino-American relationship and promoted the communication  of Sion -American culture. He also welcomed all teachers and students come to changchun again.



 仪式第二项,长春市实验中学张彤校长致辞,她向吉林省教育厅所给予的此次机会表示由衷的感谢,使我校有机会为孔子文化的传播奉献一份微薄之力。她说希望通过此次冬令营活动,在我们相互学习的基础之上,加深中美友谊,同时欢迎大家有机会能常来做客 并表示我们定会积极努力,不断发展创新,办好孔子课堂,发展更加优质的国际教育。

Secondly, Ms. Zhang Tong gave a speech.She appreciated the chance provided by Jilin Provincial Education Department. Thus we can do lots of effort for spreading Confucius culture. She also hoped that two sister schools could make the friendship deeply by learning different cultures during the winter camp. Meanwhile, she welcomed all the guests to come back again and make more effort to promote innovation, establish Confucius classroom , and develop international education.


美国圣克劳德州立大学孔子学院院长Kathy上台致闭营词,孔子学院的孩子们接受沉浸式的教育,老师来自中国的各个地区 Kathy院长对美国的学生说,未来的们可能会成为教师,到中国去教学英语的孩子,就像们现在这样,再一次架起沟通的桥梁。相信通过这次冬令营的活动,大家一定切实感受到了中国的生活,体验到了中国的文化,结识了中国朋友,进一步锻炼了自己,也在几天与中国学生的交流当中收获了属于自己的成长。

 Ms. Kathy addressed that their students accepted immersing teaching method  and their teachers come from different provinces of China. She expected that their students would be English teachers in China and work as a bridge for Sino-American friendship, and she believed that their kids have grown up a lot and experienced  Chinese culture through this winter camp.



After that teacher coco interviewed two students about what the most strange thing fot them is, the most interesting lesson ,and the differences  between two types of education. Their humerous answers made the audience burst into laughter. Then Eileen as a representative of students had a speech and shared lots of interesting stories between them, and appreciated the chance as a member of host families to make a friend.  They played many Chinese traditional games.



仪式第五项,是大家期待已久的中美学生汇演 汇演由中国学生与美国学生用中文主持,观众们欣赏到了中国学生Alice带来的古筝表演,Summer同学的新疆舞蹈,美国学生带来的舞龙,尤克里里演唱,还欣赏到了体育学院的学生带来的中国功夫。同学们真是多才多艺,整个现场热闹非凡。

The fifth one is the exciting performance by American and Chinese students.  One  Chinese student and one American student were the hosts and they all spoke Chinese. we all enjoyed lots of perfect performances, including Guzheng played by Alice,  Xinjiang dance by Summer, dragon dance and ukulele by American students, and also Chinese Kongfu by PE institute students. They all  showed their versatility and the audience all enjoyed the show.








At last, all the guests and staff took a photo together.



The second part of the closing ceremony was a dinner party with a self-service  style held by Changchun Experimental High School International Division. They all enjoye the meal and say goodbye to each other.


American teachers and students have gone back to their country, but the communication  with each other and the whole process would be an eternal memory for us.

编辑:May, Gail, Alice

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