
2017年03月21日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国运动员# 美国不是唯一一个能让女运动员打破障碍并改变认知的国家。体育运动将来自世界各地的人们相连。请浏览ShareAmerica的这篇文章,它讲述的是在卡塔尔、墨西哥和约旦的多名强大的女性如何鼓励其他女性保持活跃、并参与公民社会组织的(中文):https://go.usa.gov/xXBHq 这些女运动员如何启发了你?

#AmericanAthletes –America is not the only country where female athletes break barriers and change perceptions.  Sports and athletics connect people from all over the world. Check out this ShareAmerica article on the many powerful women in Qatar, Mexico, and Jordan who encourage other women to stay active and participate in civil society organizations (ch): https://go.usa.gov/xXBHq  

How do these women athletes inspire you?

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