Uniforms Up or Down?

2018年03月20日 剑桥考试语言辅导

今天是同学们盼望已久的 Mufti Day - 不少同学都穿着自己最’上镜装‘、神采飞扬地来到学校。按照学校规定,不穿校服的每个同学都必须参加fund raising (募捐)活动,贡献一枚金币。实际上这是所有澳洲中小学校的传统。既可以弘扬个性、培养集体归属感,又可以解决学校部分经费紧张的问题。

Kids love no uniform day and it makes
A great school fundraiser!

Everyone loves to dress up (or down). Also known as Mufti Day this is one of the most common and popular school fundraisers. 

Pupils pay either a set fee or make a donation to leave blazers上衣外套, ties领带 and sweatshirts at home. Wearing your own clothes to school is a dream for many kids and Mufti Days are always much anticipated highlights of the school year.




      此外,校服还可以避免在校园的攀比、给不富裕家庭的学生减少来自同学的压力(peer pressure);也可以每天出门上学前帮助学生免去挑拣服装的时间。

Question: What day is today?


Mufti Day

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