
2018年03月26日 美国驻华大使馆

#女性历史月# 在美国,平均而言,女性所得工资仍然只是男性同行的80%。 在2017年,一些女性提出关注薪酬差距,她们说一年中20%的时间女性在免费工作,即从10月26日开始一直到新年女性免费工作。我们庆祝女性历史月,为了看看女性到底走了多远,并看看作为一个社会我们仍然需要走向何处。

In the United States, on average, women still make only 80% of the salary of their male counterparts. In 2017, some women brought attention to the pay gap by saying that women work for free for 20% of the year, making October 26 was the day women started to work for free until the new year. 

We celebrate Women’s History Month to see how far women have come, and to see where we still have to go as a society.

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