
2014年03月04日 英国留学权威


1. April - September Pre-sessional Course 这个课程适合本科已经毕业的学生:

A minimum IELTS score of 5.0* (no element below 4.0) or equivalent is required to apply for this course.
Course Dates: 28/4/2014 to 19/9/2014
Course fee: £4,750


2. 12 week Pre-sessional Course
A minimum IELTS score of 5.5 (no element below 4.0) or equivalent is required to apply for this course.
Course Dates: 30/6/2014 to 19/9/2014
Course fee: £3,100

3. 8 week Pre-sessional Course
A minimum IELTS score of 5.5* or equivalent, with reading and writing no lower than IELTS 5.5, is required to apply for this course.
Course Dates: 28/7/ 2014 to 19/9/2014
Course fee: £2,100

(2014年英国留学offer录取已经发放,录取难度白热化,2015年英国留学的童鞋们必须早准备。我们为您定制一对一个性化留学方案,英龟权威给您360° VIP服务体验。提供英国高端硕士、名校本科、精英高中申请,让您的出国留学变得如此轻松与简单详情拨打咨询电话:13901924401,咨询qq576479663或立即关注英国留学权威官方微信获取及时在线咨询。)





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