
2015年04月25日 新西兰whv

1.2015/16 新西兰打工旅行签证开放时间为 2015519日新西兰当地时间上午10点,北京时间上午6点!0 Z: u9 Y* L( A

The quota will open on 19 May 2015 at 10:00am New Zealand time\( R( e, e/ g/ q
2.为同一雇主工作的三个月时间限制 调整为6个月,同时调整的还有参加培训和学习的时间,也由3个月调整为6个月。

· You must not work for the same employer for more than six months.

· You can enrol in one or more courses of training or study of up to six months’ duration in total during your visit.4 L2 G3 G1 m1 ~1 d( r: {+ S

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