
2014年06月30日 新西兰加成留学移民

新西兰移民局上海办公室已经成为中国地区的最大申请审理办公室,从2014年7月1日起,所有居住在广东,广西和海南省的居民递交的学生签证申请将由上海办公室进行审理。 广东,广西和海南省的申请人可以将申请递交到位于上海或广州的新西兰签证中心。



Immigration New Zealand’s (INZ’s) operating model in China has changed, and INZ Shanghai has now become the hub for application processing in China. As a result, from 1 July 2014 all applications for student visas from people resident in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan will be processed by INZ’s Shanghai office. Applicants from Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan can submit their applications at the New Zealand Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Shanghai or to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre in Guangzhou.

Please note that if a student visa applicant from Guangdong, Guangxi or Hainan submits their application to the New Zealand VAC in Hong Kong they will need to pay an additional courier fee of 300 HKD, as the application will need to be transferred to Immigration New Zealand in Shanghai.

Any enquiries concerning New Zealand education can continue to be directed to the Education New Zealand representative Felix Ye at the New Zealand Consulate General in Guangzhou.

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