
2015年04月26日 新西兰whv

以下要求请各位2015WHVer 注意了,提醒各位,两个月内你应该拿到5.5的雅思成绩单了,否则你将错过今年最大一批名额的厮杀。



You must:

1.be ordinarily resident in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) (this requirement is not met if you have been absent from the PRC for more than two years immediately preceding your application) 常驻中国(如果在境外连续不间断超过两年,则不符合条件


2.be actually resident in the PRC at the time of applying (申请该签证时,人需要在中国)

3.have a passport from the PRC that is valid for at least three months after your planned departure from New Zealand (有效护照)

4.be at least 18 and not more than 30 years old(18-30周岁,是周岁,大家看好!)

not bring children with you(不准带孩子陪同)

5.hold a return ticket, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket (you must hold sufficient funds for the duration of your visit and for the purchase of an outward ticket from New Zealand, and this evidence may be requested when you arrive at the border) (有一张回程机票或是能够证明有充足的资金购买回程机票,进入新西兰机场可能被要求出示资金证明)

6.have a minimum of NZ$4,200 available funds to meet your living costs while you are here meet our health and character requirements . (不少于4200新西兰美金的存款证明,按照2015年5月25日的汇率计算是20000元。

7.hold medical and comprehensive hospitalisation insurance for the length of your stay ,be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for your visit(在新西兰停留的时间范围内,是需要办理境外医疗险)

8.have a senior high school qualification (gao zhong xue li) granted in respect of a minimum of three years’ full-time study which has been verified by the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Centre (CDGDC) ,have evidence of the CDGDC’s verification of your qualification(学历认证:高中学历的同学需要经过清华认证,如何办理请到该网站查阅:http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn/,而大专,本科以及更高学历,自考大专/本科,成考大专/本科都不需要进行学历认证,但一定要翻译)

9.have a level of proficiency in English that is assessed as at least functional (see note below), and(2015年的要求是雅思(IELTS)不少于5.5分,关于雅思如何备考,必须推荐的是太傻论坛http://www.taisha.org/,里面有各类高人的详细介绍,各科如何攻破

10.not have been approved a visa under a working holiday scheme before.(之前没有获得过假日工作签证)


根据虎维网chenfeng4554 的汇总进行2015版更新。WHVer请收藏。转载请注明出处。感谢chenfeng4554

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