
2013年08月13日 英国华威大学

Important Notice: Attendance at visa application centres in China by appointment only. 

From 3rd June 2013, all applicants will need to make an appointment to lodge a UK visa application. In the past a limited facility existed for applicants to lodge an application without an appointment, 
but from 3rd June this will no longer be possible. Please ensure that you have booked an appointment after completing your online application form. If you go to a VAC after this date without an appointment, 
we will be unable to accept your application. 



This page allows you to schedule an appointment at a Visa Application Centre for submitting the UK visa application papers at your convenience.

Applicants applying for the Tier-4 visa category are advised to book an appointment by choosing only the option of “Tier-4 applicants” in the visa category. Where a Tier-4 applicant books an appointment under any other category, he/she will be unable to submit this at the Visa Application Centre and will be required to re-book their appointments under the correct option.Tier-4 Applicants are required to provide ONLY the “CAS Reference Number” in the field where requires “Passport Number\CAS Reference Number”. Tier-4 Applications are also required to provide the correct & accurate “GWF Number” in the field “GWF Number”. Kindly note we might not be able to accept your application if your appointment / application is made with incorrect information. 

计点积分制第四层级的申请人应当在计点积分制第四层级签证类别选项下预约。 如果计点积分制第四层级的申请人预约了其他类别签证,他/她的签证申请将不会被签证申请中心受理,他/她将需要在正确的签证类别下重新预约 。计点积分制第四层级的申请人必须在“Passport Number\CAS Reference Number”一栏中输入学习录取确认(CAS)号码。同时需要在“GWF Number”一栏中输入准确的在线表格(GWF)号码。如果你的申请预约使用了不正确的信息,我们将无法受理你的签证申请。 

NOTE: For group applications containing more than 10 people(for Guangzhou region, more than 5 people), please contact the Visa Application Centre directly to make an appointment

For ADS groups and summer school groups an appointment is not necessary as separate arrangements apply. 

IMPORTANT: As part of the visa application procedure, you shall be finger-printed at the Visa Application Centre. If you have temporary injuries on hand, do not take an appointment till the injuries have healed. Please ensure that there is no coating of henna (or similar) on the hands on date of visit to the Visa Application Centre.

No accompanies allowed inside the Visa Application Centre except for child under 18/seniors over 65/physical handicapped.

You will need to complete a visa application form online prior to making an appointment. To complete the form, please visit www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk. After completing, please include a signed printout in your application pack. 
在预约之前,您需要在线填写一份申请表格。 请访问www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk填写表格。填写完成后,请在打印出来的表格上签名且一并放入您的申请材料中。 

(转自: vfs global)

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