雅思 ▏考前能看到这么一份资料,简直是自信心爆棚啊!

2016年01月07日 启德加拿大

Teamwork话题是雅思口语的高频话题之一,更是各位烤鸭需要格外注意的题目。关于Teamwork需要准备的素材, 最典型的无非就三个,





When was the last time you worked with a team?

虽说问的是when,但如果老实地直说一句last week,那你可就太天真了。需要回答一个完整的event,那么就按照when ,where, who, what, why, how 六要素说明即可。how的部分还可以详细,按照start, develop, end展开。例如可以说说你需要完成某个任务,但自己缺乏某些资源/能力,但team中的其他人拥有这些资源/能力,于是你们互相帮助、合作,最后说说取得了什么优异的结果。常见的经历例如basketball game,speech competition,group presentation等都可以说哦。

Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

选择with others可以从这几方面考虑:

整合资源,完成一个人做不了的事 what we can achieve with others is so much more than what we can achieve individually.

集思广益,获得更多的知识信息learn from different perspectives, broaden horizons.

分工合作,极大地提高了效率 share out the work, cooperate with one another, improve work efficiency greatly.

提供了交流沟通机会,使人们交到更多的朋友拓展交际圈 provide communication opportunity, expand social network.

如果想选择by yourself,也可以考虑:

避免被别人打扰,注意力更加集中效率更好 not be distracted or disrupted, have better concentration.

避免对别人的依赖,培养独立思考能力 not relay on other’s assistance, develop independent thinking.

Do you like to be a leader?


能够学到更多的知识 learn more knowledge, different perspectives, broaden horizons.

锻炼组织能力、交流沟通能力 develop strong organization skills and communication skills.

认识更多人,扩大交际圈 get to know more people, expand social network.


任务单一,能更有质量地完成 focus on a single task, complete the task with high quality.

相对轻松,压力小 less demanding, less stressful.

What’s the most important thing for teamwork?


愿意倾听虚心接受观点 the willingness to listen to and accept other people’s opinions,

性格随和容易相处 an easy-going attitude, easy to get on well with the other members

以上就是对teamwork这个话题给出一些tips, 接下来各位烤鸭们就可以结合这些关键词整理出属于自己的素材,然后信心满满地迎接考试吧!



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