
2016年01月07日 美国驻华大使馆



商务签证(B-1)适用于赴美从事短期的商务活动。B-1签证持有者不能在美国工作或挣钱。您可以登录英文网站 travel.state.gov,了解您是否具备申请B-1签证的资格。您可以到距您最近的美国大使馆或领事馆申请签证,美国各使领馆的具体信息请见英文网站 U.S. embassy or consulate。请您填写网上申请表并预定面谈日期。签证官在面谈的过程中会向您提出一些问题,以便进一步了解您前往美国的目的。清楚明确地说明您访美的原因非常重要。

  • 详细具体。请向签证官说明您此次商务行程的具体内容——您出于什么原因要与哪些人见面。请准备好清楚、详尽地回答有关您的行程以及您的业务的问题。

  • 明确说明您会返回原住国的充分理由。签证官在与您面谈时要听您说明您此行是短期的,而且有具体的目的。您与原住国的家人联系密切,以及您在原住国事业的发展顺利,都有助于证明您有返回原住国的充分理由。

  • 出示证明材料。尽管您无须提供具体材料,但若能出示您制定的经营计划的复印件、接待您的美国公司的信函以及其他任何能证明您此行目的的材料,都会有所帮助。

  • 态度诚实。切勿夸大您的经营规模或捏造访美的目的。那样做只会导致此次遭到拒签,今后也可能再次被拒签。

  • 要知道回答问题并没有万能的答案。与您面谈的签证官根据您所提供的有关您各方面情况的信息向您发放签证。回答问题时并没有万能的答案。最好的做法是清楚、坦率地说明您的具体情况。


Teleconferencing is convenient, but nothing matches the effectiveness of a face-to-face meeting. If you have your business plan, you’ve made your contacts and are ready to pitch your idea to U.S. investors, you’ll want to do it in person.

The Business Visitor Visa (B-1) allows for temporary, business-related travel to the U.S. The B-1 visa does not allow you to work or earn money in the U.S. To find out if you qualify for the B-1, go to travel.state.gov. To apply, visit the website of your nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Fill out the online application to schedule an interview.

At your interview, the officer will ask questions that help him or her better understand your need to travel to the U.S. It’s important to effectively convey your reasons.

  • Be specific. Tell the interviewing officer the particulars of your business trip — who you’re meeting with and why. Be prepared to answer questions about your trip and your business clearly and specifically.

  • Make your ties to your home country clear. The officer who interviews you is looking to you to show that your trip is temporary and for a specific purpose. Strong family ties and an ongoing career in your home country are examples of connections that will help clarify this.

  • Bring supporting documents. While you are not required to supply specific documents, a copy of your business plan, a letter from the U.S. company you’re pitching to or anything that supports your reason for travel will help.

  • Be honest. Do not exaggerate the extent of your business or fabricate reasons for your travel. This will make a denial likely, now and in the future.

  • Understand that there is no single magic answer. You’ll be granted a visa based on the information you give your interviewer about your overall circumstances. There is no secret answer to a single question. The best strategy is to be clear and straightforward about your particular situation.

ShareAmerica features information about same-sex spouse, diversity, and other kinds of U.S. visas.Also visit travel.state.gov to learn more.

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