
2016年01月12日 美国驻华大使馆

为在预选会中胜出,候选人需要有愿意花上数小时来为其站台、并说服他人加入的支持者。 胜出的候选人可以指望根基深厚的坚定支持者。随着选举日的临近,这些支持者往往会帮助候选人竞选。



#US-Primaries – Caucuses: Advantages & Disadvantages.

In order to win in a caucus, a candidate has to have supporters who are willing to spend hours explaining their support and convincing others to join them.

Those who win can point to a strong base of dedicated supporters who will often then help campaign for the candidate as Election Day nears.

A key complaint about caucuses is that they are too long, leaving out many voters who have to work or have other responsibilities.

Also, because caucuses are public, people may feel public pressure in a caucus to support one candidate over another.

This is very different than casting a ballot in a primary, which is done in private.

To find out more about caucuses, see this link (Chn):


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