Most Australians are clueless about immigration and population

2016年01月13日 澳洲德诚联思移民留学服务中心

Australians have very little idea about immigration and population, suggests a survey published last week by the Australian Population Research Institute, revealing just how ignorant they are about the two very important side of Australia.

The survey was simple with four basic questions and multiple-choice answers. Only 2 per cent of respondents got all four questions right. Yes, only 2%!

The results not only suggest a high level of ignorance among Australians about the issues, but also the possession of misinformation.

The questions were:

  1. Is it True or False that without immigration, Australia's population would be shrinking?

  2. What is Australia's population?

  3. What portion of the immigration intake are refugees?

  4. And is it True or False that Australia has one of the highest population growth rates in the developed world?

Now sit back quietly for a minute and try answering the four survey questions. How did you go?

Major findings

  1. The best result was the present level of population, with just over half of respondents getting it right.

  2. The worst (19 per cent) was the fact Australia has one of the highest population rates in the world. Only Israel and Luxembourg in the OECD have higher rates.

  3. Overall, 12.6 per cent of respondents got all four questions wrong.

  4. The survey found that 51 per cent of Australians do not want any population growth.

  5. A further 38 per cent said they did not want Australia to grow beyond 30 million.

  6. Those 89 per cent are in effect saying they want governments to reduce or eliminate immigration – because, as the survey pointed out, even without immigration Australia's population would still grow.

  7. Overseas born were – as you would expect – more in favour. The research suggested that more recent arrivals did not have a past reference point of a less populated and less congested Australia.

  8. Males were more in favour than females and tended to cite economic reasons more than females who, when in favour, cited cultural diversity and helping refugees more than males did.

The Australian Population Research Institute is an independent research institute. Its members are participating researchers, mainly academics. This survey was commissioned by Sustainable Population Australia, an independent, non-profit organisation.

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