
2016年04月11日 美国驻华大使馆


今天全家人前往罗得岛州(Rhode Island),打算参观那里的国际网球名人堂(International Tennis Hall of Fame)。

Gina: Sam, you will love Rhode Island. It is home to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Sam: That’s awesome. We’re going to go see it, right?

Paul: Yes, of course. We know how much you love tennis. And the Hall of Fame honors players and others who have contributed to the sport of tennis.

Sam: Induction into the Hall of Fame must be an incredible honor.

Claudine: Keep practicing. Maybe you’ll get inducted one day.

Gina: Before we head to the Hall of Fame, we’re all going to enjoy a day of sailing. The sailing in Newport is some of the best sailing in the country.

Paul: For the smallest state in the U.S., there’s a lot to see and do here.


在“Rhode Island is home to the International Tennis Hall of Fame”这句话中, home to的意思是罗得岛州是国际网球名人堂的所在地

Hall of Fame ,即名人堂,是纪念体育界、文艺界等领域中的著名人物和回顾他们的事迹的博物馆,向公众开放。 International Tennis Hall of Fame ,国际网球名人堂,顾名思义,是专门纪念网球界著名运动员和有卓越贡献的人的博物馆。

在 “We’re going to go see it, right?” (我们将去看,对吧?)这句话中,Sam用“right?” (对吧?)作反问。英语中常使用这种反意疑问句,也叫附加疑问句的形式来寻求对方的确认或肯定,句式结构是,在正常肯定性叙述句后加否定疑问句,如isn’t it?aren’t you?等等。所以,在以上对话中,这句话也可以说成“We’re going to go see it, aren’t we?”。

To contribute :作贡献

An induction (名词):正规接纳某人进入某一团体或正式给予某人某种身份地位等。 To induct (动词):将某人正式接纳为某一团体成员或给予某种身份地位等。


Sailing :在水上驾乘帆船,帆船运动;sailboat:帆船

The American English website (含中文版)为英语学生和教师提供免费使用的多种英语资源。TheAmerican English Facebook page 为学生提供每日更新的英语学习资料。American English for Educators Facebook为教师提供每日更新的英语教学资料。

“日常对话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)资深项目官员海蒂•豪兰(Heidi Howland)编写。

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Everyday conversations: Tennis, anyone? [audio]

This series of Everyday Conversations is about a family traveling to each of the 50 states in the U.S. Join the family members as they learn about local pastimes and history. These conversations are for intermediate-level English-language learners or higher.

The family goes to Rhode Island, where they plan to visit the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Gina: Sam, you will love Rhode Island. It is home to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Sam: That’s awesome. We’re going to go see it, right?

Paul: Yes, of course. We know how much you love tennis. And the Hall of Fame honors players and others who have contributed to the sport of tennis.

Sam: Induction into the Hall of Fame must be an incredible honor.

Claudine: Keep practicing. Maybe you’ll get inducted one day.

Gina: Before we head to the Hall of Fame, we’re all going to enjoy a day of sailing. The sailing in Newport is some of the best sailing in the country.

Paul: For the smallest state in the U.S., there’s a lot to see and do here.

Now let’s review the vocabulary.

The phrase home to in the sentence “Rhode Island is home to the International Tennis Hall of Fame” means that the International Tennis Hall of Fame is in Rhode Island.

Hall of Fame is like a museum, where people can visit. It houses displays and information about people from a particular sport or activity. The International Tennis Hall of Fame honors players and other contributors to the sport of tennis.

When Sam asks, “We’re going to go see it, right?” he uses a tag question. A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a short question, such as right?isn’t it?aren’t you?. We usually use tag questions to ask for confirmation.

To contribute means to increase, improve or add to something.

An induction is the formal process or ceremony of placing someone into a new job, position, group, organization, etc. To induct is to officially make someone a member of an organization, group, etc.

The word honor can have slightly different meanings. In this context, honor is used to mean something that shows that other people have respect for you.

Sailing is the sport or activity of traveling on water in a boat with sails, also called a sailboat.

The American English website offers a variety of free resources for learners and teachers of English. The American English Facebook page posts learning materials for English-language learners daily. The American English for Educators Facebook page posts teaching materials for English-language teachers daily.

Everyday Conversations are developed by the State Department’s Heidi Howland, a senior program officer in the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Learn more about planning a trip to the U.S. and applying for a tourist visa.

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