
2016年08月29日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

2015年9月25日星期五,美国总统巴拉克·欧巴马和中国国家主席习近平在华盛顿DC的白宫东厅举办的国宴中举杯祝酒。照片提供:Ron Sachs / Pool/Sipa USA (Sipa via AP Images)



During the exchange of toasts at the 2015 State Dinner at the White House, President Obama said, “I know that some -- in both countries and around the world -- question whether we can sustain the cooperation that we need, and the world needs.  I think we can draw encouragement from the ties that have long connected our peoples.  I think of the American airmen during the Second World War who went down over China.  Chinese villagers sheltered them, fed them, clothed them, and treated their wounds.  And decades later, one Chinese man said of the American he saved, “He is like the thumb on the hand…and I am like the finger…we are brothers together..’ There will be times where there are differences between our two countries.  That's inevitable.  There will be times where our interests entirely overlap.  But what I think will be sustaining is the friendship between our peoples, the foundation of the ties between our nations.” 




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